Each of us is responsible for the feelings experienced, and blame the other, we have no right to.
Paulo Coelho

Feelings - the fact we live, what our heart breathes. Intake air kind of pleasant feelings in the light, we fill the body with positive energy.

Emotional mask. What's this? Each of us puts social mask, consisting of emotions that we express outwardly. This is a fact. And our life is such that sometimes you have to live not by what you feel but what you show. Not the best choice, not to everyone's liking, but I do not judge the right. Life sets the rules and we will help her in this or go against it.

Emotions. What to do with them? Contain? To splash out? And it always? How to control them and is it necessary? I'll tell you my opinion on this subject:
Emotions should be controlled. We are not animals. Need to know and feel the atmosphere in which and with whom you can be completely open book, and for someone to close all the secrets of the castle.
I do not in any way saying that to live with false feelings and emotions! No! Be yourself, true, but at the same time follow a reasonable splash of your inner world.

Be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else - the greatest achievement.
Waldo Emerson

As promised, I give all the emotional expression of my face.
To do this, I just found some pictures from a photo shoot for the actor's portfolio. Actress I certainly do not quite get, but to set the picture fit perfectly. .

I am

Right side

Left side
Surprised fright

Еvil intent

Bound reproach


Be yourself. All other places are already occupied.
Oscar Wilde

Thank you for your attention!
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