Hi everyone

I met my best friend Sara about two years ago at our university's barbecue, we clicked instantly and not a day went by that we didn't talk to each other. What I love most about her or about our friendship is that we can talk about anything, I can tell her or ask advice about anything, we can trust each other or support each other no matter what. We have many things in common for example that it is very rare for us to connect so well with another girl, we both have more guy friends then girl friends but also we have different characters she can be more crazy and outgoing while I'm more of holding back and staying in my comfort zone.

So what do we talk about?
Well everything ! The topics we cover most are fashion, guys, food and cooking, holidays and traveling, family, work and studies etc.

We also bought a dog together about 1,5 year ago his name is Casper and he's a Swiss Shepherd. I will post a picture of him soon.
It is fun how we used to take care of him together, like a baby but he's living with her since she has a house with a garden, I do visit him very often, he's amazing so obviously we talk a lot about him also.

Here's a picture of me and Sara at the last Forex event and below a picture of our holiday in Egypt.

We don't like to take serious pictures all the time :-D


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