Motivation never comes itself.

I can definitely say, that You should always look for inspiration sources. No matter what you want to be inspired for.

Maybe it sounds very philosophically, but a person is a bundle of emotions. The difference between a computer and a man is emotions. Only a live human can feel different emotions and base all actions on emotions only. Thus, your emotions define your future actions and the way you react on environment. I would say that we usually choose what to feel.

We are surrounded by thousands of events and people that may embody success or something very typical. If looking at successful people or expensive cars you turn jelaousy into motivation, it will have a constructive effect on your life. While jelaousy destroys you from inside, the motivation is what makes you closer to what you desire.

As for me, the motivation is a challenge, whether I can do or not. However, I am sure that I can. Starting a new enterprise, I always imagine the final result. Keeping it in mind is what motivates me. Full determination is a mandatory input.

Ofcourse there are days, weeks or even months when no other wish than to be lazy comes. It may sound paradoxically, but such moments should be accepted, because they keep you balanced. Sometimes you eat salad and work out regularly, sometimes you hardly force yourself to go upstairs instead of lift.

Though the motivation has much in common with inspiration, it can be controlled by you. It means that for complete success you should always look for motivation source. As soon as you are motivated, you motivate yourself.

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