Sharing my thoughts after re-reading Chapter 3, 4, and 5 of the book as above-titled.

  • Beliefs
Our life is a prefect reflection of our beliefs.
Those beliefs we hold within ourselves determine the quality of our life.

We need to be aware of what helpful and harmful beliefs are instilled within and how they limit or impact us.
When we change our deepest beliefs about our world, the change would reshape our thoughts and actions.
With constant practice to review, instill and use the right beliefs, our life will change accordingly.

  • Attachment
Having the self-belief and detachment to keep us from acting out of a state of desperation in our path to achieve our goal or whatever that we desires.

  • What we focus on expands
This relates to the law of attraction.
Thinking more about what we want, being positive and working with whatever that is within our control is much more productive.
Moreover, by expressing gratitude for what we have, helps to bring us towards abundance.
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