I have been sick for a weeks...
Sore throat, headache,non-stop coughing
I really hate taking medicines or consulting doctor
I am just a little girl ..I dont like swallowing pills ..It is bitter
When I was sick, I treasure the healthy moment ...
At least I can do whatever I want, eat whatever I like
I was forbidden to eat chips, spicy food or anything which would irritate my throat
And I was asked to sleep earlier , like 12am ...
Normally I sleep at 2,3am because there is the time difference
8 hours time difference between GMT and HK time
I have to sleep late in order to keep myself active in Dukascopy Community

My friend is so cute ..(Suddenly jump to another topic LOL, please forgive me, as a patient, can't write logically now)
He always "seduce" me to take medicine by buying me dessert LOL

He is really the nicest guy in "my" world.
He hosts me, cheers me up, cares about me
I see him every single day, dinner every day, pillow talk every day
I cherish every moment spending with him
I like him
But I know I shouldn't have .......
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