I remember such comedy with Jim Carry

When I was a little girl I really liked this comedy.

Also when I was a child, its interesting to see how other children lie, because childish lies..are soo akward..
But I always ask myself, when I seen my friend lie, - why does she do that? do she need more attention or admit.
Maybe, this is the way people lie, when they want others to like them..or to look better that they are.
I don't think lie is the way to build your future..

because nobody perfect, and you shouldn't admit your strongest and weakest parts.
And even if you lie, how comes you won't forget your lies and didn't confuse with this, and if other person found out your lies, you will loose respect at once...
So better not to organise..such situations.
Ask yourself how many times you lie to yourself and to others?

here is interesting video I found, just take a look
How understand if someone lies to you

Be kind!
With love,Alexana.
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