The long-awaited new year holidays has officially begun! Ahead of us are 10 days of rest.
If you still haven't figured out what to do on these days-off, I can give you a hint: celebrate!
Fortunately, almost every day is a holiday!

January 1 is the World Day of Peace!

The Holy Father's message for this day weaves together concerns for peace, poverty and care for creation. The most pacifist holiday is celebrated on 1 January and also known as world Day of prayer for peace. It was established in 1967 by the Pope and held under the slogan "Forgive, and you will have peace". On this day, believers of different faiths and people far from religion, wishing each other, perhaps, the most important is peaceful sky above the head.

January 2 is the Berchtold Day in Switzerland!Berchtold Day is an Alemannic tradition that is celebrated in some areas of Switzerland. The holiday's name does not refer to a Saint (there is no St. Berchtold) but is derived from the verb berchten – meaning “to walk around, asking for food”.
Berchtold Day is a light-hearted, sociable event. People meet in pubs and restaurants to exchange good wishes for the new year. In some areas, old traditions that have elsewhere been discontinued due to the Protestant Reformation are still being kept alive. In Hallwil in the canton of Aargau one can still witness the Bärzeli, a parade of dressed up and masked figures symbolizing concepts like fertility, age, ugliness, wisdom, and vice.

January 3 is the birthday of J.R.R. Tolkien!

On the 3 of January, 1892 in Bloemfontein (South Africa) was born the man who invented hobbits. Even if you've never wanted to live in middle earth, nothing prevents you from making this day special: start reading Lord of the rings and review the magnificent films, shot by Peter Jackson. Or dress up as elves and go to walk around the city — in holiday season no-one will judge you!

January 4 is the last day of the existence of The Beatles!

On this day, in 1970, the Beatles got together for the last time to record a song for the "Let It Be" album of the same name. After that, the participants of the great fab four, which lasted 10 years, each began their own musical career.

January 5 is the Tutsindan in Serbia!

Tuchin day or Tutsindan — national and Christian holiday that precedes Christmas. It has one amazing feature: it is believed that on this day parents can't punish the children in any case, whatever they've done – so that, in fact, is a feast of disobedience.

(to be continued..)
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