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Filtrar por etiquetas:  Accumulation


EUR/NZD presently mark: 1.70218
Forecast: Hold
Buy: above top resistance
Sell: below top resistance
H4 Key points:
Top Resistance: 1.70950
1st Support: LWMA
Floor: 1.68000
LWMA: Bullish
Stochastic Fast: Bullish
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EUR/HUF presently mark: 314.125
Forecast: Down
1) UP
Above blue horizontal line (1st support)
Below blue horizontal line (1st support)
H4 Key points:
Top Resistance: 315.000
1st Support: 313.883
Floor: 310.690
Stochastic: preparing for breaking down
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Creeping back up towards top 10

I am slowly creeping back up in the contest
My GbpJpy and EurJpy, AudJpy, NzdJpy and CadJpy longs are holding slightly bullish
Technicals look good for a Jpy weakening
I am hoping that I can gather a few more pips before market close
then I will still have a whole week to achieve my goal:
a top 5 position this month
have a great weekend all
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Divisas: AUD CAD
Los indicadores utilizados: análisis de precios, normas técnicas, MM200.
Gráficos utilizados: gráfico semanal, gráfico diario
Descripción Análisis: El gráfico semanal podemos ver diferentes cosas donde primero las definiré por separado y luego en conjunto: primero tenemos un canal bajistas marcado en color rojo. Lo segundo es una extensión bajista marcada en color verde con su segunda extensión iniciada. Lo tercero es un doble suelo. Lo último dos niveles uno de soporte y el otr…
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USD/JPY Neverending Consolidation

USD/JPY has been unable to sustain any gains during this year and we have moved in a big range for the most part of the year. Even though we managed to make a marginal new high above 122.00 the momentum slowed down and we're back inside the range. Current range extends from the 122.00 resistance level all the way down to 116.00 level (see Figure 1) where we have a strong support and where I'm expecting price to hold and revers to resume to bigger bullish trend we're in. We're in a …
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Daytrader21 avatar

Update 1: USD/JPY has had another rejection of the 120.00 big round number and current resistance level. However in order for the downside momentum to really build up we need a break of 118.50. Until than we should expet more range bound activity.

Daytrader21 avatar

Update 2: The market seems to deviate from my forecast and if we are indeed going to break the current high at 122.00 round number the bullish trend may resume without to retest the 166.00 support level

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1980-1985 US Dollar Analog

Since I didn't had enough space to cover this matters on my US Dollar Macro and Technical view article, which you can find it here: US Dollar Macro and Technical
I thought to add a few more notes on what I'm looking when it comes to the US Dollar cycle. The 1980-1985 US Dollar analog has served as map to price action since the beginning of this rally(see Figure 1) If we measure the Fibonacci retracement from the index's secular peak in 1985 we can see that we didn't even touched the 38.2 fi…
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guilhemch avatar

Thank you that was interesting!! I also have a sentiment that the USD bullish wave is not done especially vs the JPY.

Daytrader21 avatar

guilhemch Also EUR/USD has to go below parity in coming years so there is plenty of room for it to go down

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USD/JPY consolidation

The above quarterly chart shows how market is trying to sit after the long term rise coming from far lower. The key line is in the middle of 99 area where clearly many times candles failed to close higher except last 2013 quarter with the final push to 105.
The same situation seen in monthly is just to confirm that support is slightly lower and to underline the complete flatness occuring in recent months between 101.40 and 103.60
In my view, as shown in the above monthly chart, market is consol…
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scramble avatar
scramble 12 Ago

In this first chart (daily) we see price behavior after the downtrend (red dotted) breakout, showing an important bounce in last days when reaching lower 102 area: the gray rectangle to enlight the importance of this area in the short -med term.

scramble avatar
scramble 12 Ago

In this second chart (daily) to show where is much probable to meet price in next 13 trading sessions left before contest expiry date: as seen, there are less probabilities for price to be closed to my target and more probably (darker) price will keep consolidating between 102 and 103 areas.

scramble avatar
scramble 19 Ago

Weekly chart show high potential for a continuation upward this week, with last one closing near 102.40. Key level on downside (in short term) will be again the 102. Expectation is a weekly close >103

scramble avatar
scramble 19 Ago

Daily chart shows market trading in the upper bound of the expected range.

scramble avatar
scramble 27 Ago

Price went higher than my target line in 103.75 and now shows an attempt in consolidation after the steep move up last week. As seen in the attached chart, lower support (blu dotted) goes near 103 - 102.90. Range area in next few sessions till contest expiry date, should be as seen in the chart 103.50-104.20.

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USDjpy channel in progress

hello traders
it's channel... it's easy!!!
sell for target 102.00
bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye vvbye bye bye vvvbye bye bye bye bye bye vbye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye vvvbye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye vvvbye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye b…
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DjKarman avatar

near to target... see you later :D

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EURusd accumulation months

Hallo to all the traders,
these are months for accumulation.
the resistance is 1.4040 and the support is 1.3200
now the cross is between these levels and is possible that next month is all for accumulation and later can to choose the way: long or sell.
The weekly say that can to go up for the actual accumulation broken but the not say the same and the daily is in a discendent channel.
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DjKarman avatar

far to target

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