Romana's Blog


Squirrels from all over the world

Hello everybody,
I like squirrels and I have some pictures of them from “all over the world”.
First one is from London - Hyde Park, next one is from, second I met in Vienna and the last one lives in NY Central Park.
All were really cute and friendly!
For all pictures click full story.
London squirrel - Hyde Park
Vienna squirrel
New York - Central Park
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Best kitty ever rescued!

Hey friends,Two years ago I found a small unidentified small hairy ball closed to round in a little village. Propably somebody had throwed him of the car. I took a small kitty to home and fed him milk with a syringe. Everybody told "It was too small, kitty would die definately"!But he survived and now is 2 years old! For somebody was wasted and thrown away as garbage out of the car but for me is a miracle, my love, my everything! I love you Chicco!
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H0nza avatar
H0nza 29 Ago

What a lovely kitty ! And a good turn at all !

ilonalt avatar
ilonalt 31 Oct

We also have a Persian cat Grant, he is very intelligent and clever :)

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