Elens94's Blog


The Secret Life of chipmunks. Part 2

Few people know, but there are several major hipmunks mafia groups in the world.
Mafia - is not just a fiction of filmmakers. Such criminal structures exist to this day all over the world and have a huge impact. Most often, such groups smuggle forbidden nuts. They sneaked them deep in the cheeks. And when they examine chipmunks - customs officers, those being drawn cheeks, as if they are empty. Also, some sources have reported the existence of secret underground passages. There are rumors that s…
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Elens94 avatar
Elens94 1 Oct.

FXRabbit think I should do a magazine about secret live of traders-rabbits!;) *joking*

priceaction113 avatar

very niice

Elens94 avatar
Elens94 3 Oct.

priceaction113 thank u, dear:)

rupesh1984 avatar

lot of chipmunks in my farm house:)

Elens94 avatar
Elens94 3 Oct.

rupesh1984 that's great!))they are so nice I think :))

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The Secret Life of chipmunks. Part 1

Hello, friends :-) As you may know, I was very busy for these weeks and I done some test tasks to work in office. One of the employeers gave me very funny task - 1) to full empty frige in Adobe Photoshop (photomanipulation) 2) To do the cover and pages of magazine... "The Secret Life of chipmunks" :-D Ha-ha! So I did 2 variants and created some little stories)) All pages you can see under the post.
NIGHT chipmunk (Bubu)
One of the most sensitive and taboo subjects in society of chipmunks - is a …
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FXRabbit avatar
FXRabbit 1 Oct.

Nice! ^_^

rupesh1984 avatar

nice :)

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Reuben Wu art (photo)

Asian-American photographer Reuben Wu combines photos with digital processing, and receives atmospheric images, often in the spirit of films 80 okolokosmicheskih and alien to those of the "Dune" and "Star Wars", and sometimes - as if shot from a David Lynch film. Ruben does not hide the fact that processes its beautiful creative photo in the graphic editors, in order to achieve the best effect. His card with centering the subject - a rare example of a departure from the classical rules of constr…
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rupesh1984 avatar

beauty :)

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My work: industrial Design

In the first year at the university, our first design work was the work of industrial design. We needed to choose 1 small thing from our home. At that moment we didn't know for what. Then teachers said that me must redesign this object, and male it more beautiful, for comfortable, more ergonomic. I choose the gray cleaning brush. Its appearance is presented in the klauzure ü3 (secon list). I changed the color and material of which it is made. designed capacity of the inside of the brush, through…
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alias1980 avatar
alias1980 23 Sep.

классная задумка

Elens94 avatar
Elens94 23 Sep.

alias1980 спасибо;)

RahmanSL avatar
RahmanSL 24 Sep.

Great looking re-design

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Landscape of 65,000 CDs

Two French women: artist Elise Morin and architect Clémence Eliard, manually created this huge undulating landscape, covering 500 square meters, from 65 000 old CDs, which was named «Wastelandscape». The installation was placed in the courtyard gallery Centquatre - «Halle d'Aubervilliers» in Paris.
"Bubbles are created from CDs and can resemble the billowing waves of the sea, the dunes and the other metal spherical shapes, reflecting and refracting the sunlight. The monumental scale of the work …
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RahmanSL avatar
RahmanSL 17 Sep.

wonder how long such art will survive

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Hello friends! In the last post I was talking about the artist, who creates real miracles and does excellent miniatures. I can not boast the same skill, but I want to show you one of my old work. This is the layout of the planetarium, which I did in 17 years. I went to art school, and we did a project and chose the theme by ourselves. I chose the exterior of the building. I still do not know - why I did it, because I have absolutely humanitarian brain:-D I had to make…
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Elens94 avatar
Elens94 9 Sep.

FXRabbit thank you,friend!^_^

fxsurprise8 avatar

wow looks fantastic

Elens94 avatar
Elens94 11 Sep.

fxsurprise8 thank you^_^

RahmanSL avatar
RahmanSL 12 Sep.

interesting hobby

Elens94 avatar
Elens94 12 Sep.

RahmanSL it was task in my school:))

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Surreal portraits of women by Casey Weldon

Brooklyn artist Casey Weldon specializes in the surreal somber topics. His latest series is dedicated to women, their feelings and supernatural abilities. These unusual fluorescent colors look like a mix of 80's with a new vision of illustration. Though there are also images of women close to 1920-th. Especially fascinating I found the picture of a girl who closes her eyes and a picture with two girls in the sea with interference. I also found some unusual works with cats. By the way, the pictur…
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wmndave avatar
wmndave 4 Sep.


alias1980 avatar

классные рисунки

harih avatar
harih 5 Sep.

really interesting

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Friends always asks me, what I am doing at work/freelance. One of the work that I am engaged is the creating of design. Below I will show you my work to the contest of design Identity for "Antiplagiat. The task was to create a logo (which will reming in some things the previous logo) and to create some elements of design. The components of the corporate identity:
Copyright symbol - Copyright.
Shield - a symbol of protection of copyright.
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driven avatar
driven 28 Aug.

Did you win?

Elens94 avatar
Elens94 31 Aug.

driven haven't got results yet;(

driven avatar
driven 31 Aug.

Ah, well good luck then!

Elens94 avatar
Elens94 1 Sep.

driven thank you!:) Unfortunately my work have not passed:(

Workes that pass:

driven avatar
driven 1 Sep.

Oh, that's too bad. I'm sure you'll do better next time.

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Hello, dear friends! Recently I had an interesting idea in my head when I painted the portrait for the money. I have a lot of friends on Dukaskopy, who always support me and I try to do the same for them. But I also wanted to please them and do something interesting, to draw a portrait every week, in gratitude for their help, support and great conversations! :-) Because I have quite a lot of work, I will try to do 1 portrait for 1 week, if there will be less d…
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Elens94 avatar
Elens94 14 Aug.

TradeTrading I am very happy that you like it!^__^
Fullbacksolncepek 谢谢
s_amira ахах, спасибо;D рисовать девушек вообще интересно, порой такие потрясающие портреты выходят^^



RahmanSL avatar
RahmanSL 14 Aug.

Interesting portrait style and subject 

HOME avatar
HOME 15 Aug.


wisdom_consultant avatar

very cool!

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Одна из моих работ второго курса. Инфографика — это графический способ подачи информации, данных и знаний, целью которого является быстро и чётко преподносить сложную информацию. Одна из форм информационного дизайна. Средства инфографики помимо изображений могут включать в себя графики, диаграммы, блок-схемы, таблицы, карты, списки. Моим одногруппникам достались темы, которые можно легко преподнести в виде схем и таблиц, но моя тема несла в себе некоторые сложности)) Тут уже не разгуляешься с об…
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nuonrg avatar
nuonrg 7 Aug.

I look most like the right one with the beard and the white blue jacket and sunglasses <3 :D XD

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