
タグ・フィルター:  Barclays

Live FOMC Press Conference, Barclays, UBS FOMC meeting expectations

I found this article about major banks FOMC expectations.
  • Banks expect to see no change from FOMC
  • banks expect to have 2 rate hikes in 2015
  • banks expect to see relatively increased dovish view
More about this article: Watch Live FOMC Press Conference & Major Banks Expectations
翻訳する: 英語 オリジナルを表示

Barclays: Friend or Foe?

You might have noticed that Barclays declared that they will raise capital, mainly through a 1 to 4 rights issue at a deeply discounted price. By itself, this announcement is pretty significant, but it brings to a head a `quiet war` that has been rumbling on since Barclays turned middle east towards salvation back in the dark days of 2008. The PRA (the newly formed regulatory arm of the Bank) has clearly set out its stall by insisting that levels of capital held by our banks should be (in simp…
翻訳する: 英語 オリジナルを表示
Nadin5794 avatar
Nadin5794 2013年08月06日

да конечно без стабилизации сейчас сложно говорить о каких либо глобальных изменениях и так далее..российская экономика также очень шатко себя чувствует, в том числе, из за положения и рейтинга банковского сектора.

annatimone avatar
annatimone 2013年08月06日

I agree. I think Russia has a huge potential and it’s doing better than before. It seems that the health of Russian economy depend a lot on politics. Like any other country, of course. But I think BRIC countries and in the Middle East it’s more than others. What do you think?
