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Отсортировано по тагам:  Boj

USD/JPY snaps back towards the big figure

The latest U.S. labour market report came in strong on most metrics. Yet the dollar failed to make any significant headway in the hours after the release. Friday's weakest currency was the yen, which weakened in early hours that day, despite BOJ slowly moving away from its bond buys. USD/JPY snapped back towards 110, retracing 50% of the recent downswing.
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USD/JPY breaks below 105.30

USD/JPY finally broke below 105.30 support in thin conditions. Trump's tariffs spurred some retaliatory measures from China, which has not helped risk sentiment and the pair. The decline has been orderly so far but I'm sure BOJ officials are near their screens, and phones. 105 - 105.30 should now act as a resistance. 102.5 - 103 is the next target.
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Bank of Japan on hold, North Korea to denuclearize

BOJ keeps monetary policy on hold. My guess is that, for now, they'll just proceed with small off-meeting tweaks (tightenings) and save regular meetings for any bold decisions (easings). What moved USD/JPY overnight was news of North Korea steps to commit to denuclearization and thawing of the relationship with the U.S. Trump is said to accept Kim's invitation for a meeting. It shouldn't be too much of a surprise if the two go on to become best friends after all.
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Yen the performer of the week

Bank of Japan is turning every so slightly more hawkish, even though its officials are trying to downplay it. U.S. Administration's politics continues to weigh on the dollar, despite interest rate advantage against most major currencies. USD/JPY extended its decline, pausing at the 76.4% retracement of the Trump rally. If 105 - 105.5 area gives way, a quick fall to 101.5 - 102.5 is quite possible.
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USD/JPY drops on the BOJ decision, then recovers

BOJ kept the monetary policy unchanged at this meeting. The bank admitted that inflation is (slowly) rising towards the target of 2.0% and bumped up inflation expectations outlook in quarterly report. USD/JPY dropped about 30 pips but has since recovered. 110 - 110.25 is the area to watch on the downside and 111.50 on the upside.
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Will the dollar gap lower?

U.S. government failed to pass funding bill and went into shutdown. This will probably last a couple of weeks, the question is what it means for the U.S. dollar. A small gap lower is possible, but with ECB and BOJ meetings next week, a correction rather than continuation of the dollar weakness may be in the cards.
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USD/JPY falls as BOJ tapers

USD/JPY dropped like a rock as Bank of Japan bought slightly less JGBs than in previous open market operation. Selling already began yesterday though as the pair rejected prices above 113.30. 112 - 112.25 is the support area to watch.
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EURusd general analysis

1,1730 support is trying to cling on. Of dollars a positive air throughout the week we followed. Today's employment data, we can specify that supports the dollar. 1,1730 strong support for the pair. Are not able to overcome the rise in U.S. interest rates above parity in this area of 2.40 GHz and this allows you to hold on.
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EUR general analysis

1,1730 desteği üzerinde tutunmaya çalışılıyor. Doların bir hafta boyunca pozitif bir hava izledi. Bugünün istihdam verilerini, doların desteklendiğini belirtebiliriz. Çifte 1.1730 güçlü destek. 2.40 GHz'lik bu alanda eşitliğin üstünde ABD faiz oranlarının yükselişini aşamazsınız ve bu sizi bekletmenizi sağlar.
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Forex (or Forex) Forex and what is Forex market?

Forex (or Forex)Forex and what is Forex market?Foreign Exchange Forex or FX is an acronym that is derived from the English words. Foreign exchange (or FX) today, to a large extent used in the sense of foreign currency or foreign currency, although national currencies to a national currency with the Forex from the same root of abbreviation is used for the modified process. These operations are done the Forex market, where forex trading organizations that have the name of the organization this pro…
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