Alexana5's Blog


Pretty little liars

I remember such comedy with Jim Carry

When I was a little girl I really liked this comedy.

Also when I was a child, its interesting to see how other children lie, because childish lies..are soo akward..
But I always ask myself, when I seen my friend lie, - why does she do that? do she need more attention or admit.
Maybe, this is the way people lie, when they want others to like them..or to look better that they are.
I don't think lie is the way to build your
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speculo_ergo_sum avatar

some children are very dexterous at telling premeditated lies

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Have your own restaurant business - profitable

I want to ask you one question, Im sure you know better as businessmen and traders.
  • - How profitable to open personal cafe or restaurant?

Because yesterday I noticed one thing, and I want to make research about it.
That the time I was absent - that was only 4 month, but I noticed many visual changes in my town.
I did not even have time to stroll around the city, but it was easy to notice,in one way to the city that more than 6 new cafe were open, just on one way to city center…
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verindur avatar
verindur 22 Oct

People in Restaurant Business can't eat well. They fill up just with food smells. ))))))

Vitava avatar
Vitava 22 Oct

Привет,открытие своего дела это риск. Перед тем как открыть в голове появляются весы,стоит или не стоит,пойдёт бизнес или вылечу в трубу. Много было мыслей по этому поводу,но останавливает статистика,ну скажу так по прежнему городу где прожил 10 лет(Самара). В год открывается много частных предприятий ну где то 1000,а закрывается 1500,а то и больше. Данная инфа можно сказать инсайдерская,подруга работает в Пенсионном фонде на регистрации частников...

JockPippin avatar

It's lots of stress and hard work .The odds are against you (it's a cut throat business) If you are still in business after 1 year ,that itself is an achievement . Also don't ask people in a trader contest advice (when no real money is at stake haha ) :) .

speculo_ergo_sum avatar

restaurants go bankrupt -- left and right. The public is very fickle, the fashion etc.

JungaBunga avatar

They taking risk by opening restaurants. Im sure if there over 6 opened, then somewhere over 10 closed!

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"Magic" after today's webinar.



Today I gave webinar about How invite money in your life
I share the main keys and rules.

At the same time when I gave this webinar I also repeating this rules to myself and answering the same questions I Asked,
Got it in my imagination and clearly answered and added some more thought.
One hour later, I get messege from one my colleague, who asked me to take part in his project, we talk about the price, too. So I will start from Saturday , I will help hi
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JulianaJ avatar
JulianaJ 17 Oct

Good luck! :))

speculo_ergo_sum avatar

that was just a coincidence:)))))))))))))))) no magic in the nature

Alexana5 avatar
Alexana5 17 Oct

speculo_ergo_sum good coincidencies ;)) at the moment such things happening I like to remind myself again,that this all works!

JungaBunga avatar

I like this sing, thank you for advices.

JungaBunga avatar


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Im looking for activeTraders for a Project

I want to realise and prepare one project for the next month
I cannot share this idea here(I want to make it as a surprise!)
Only thing I can tell that it planning to be entertaining and interesting at the same time, as for Traders as for others who visit this web site and taking part in competitions.
So this is idea for the community, and I want you traders to take part in it.
Its always better to try! Than only to think..
So those who are interested,please write me, I will t…
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verindur avatar
verindur 28 Sep

But I am passive. In other words I don't prefer to give my opinion on trading. Too risky. In my opinion trade goes against the crowds. That's how the big houses make money. So you can never be sure.

Alexana5 avatar
Alexana5 29 Sep

verindur here will be not only analysis :) it will be entertaining.  ( will send you all information in mail what else will be in this project  :)

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Im searching for a good and activeTraders for Project

I want to realise and prepare one project for the next month
I cannot share this idea here(I want to make it as a surprise!)
Only thing I can tell that it planning to be entertaining and interesting at the same time, as for Traders as for others who visit this web site and taking part in competitions.
So this is idea for the community, and I want you traders to take part in it.
Its always better to try! Than only to think..
So those who are interested,please write me, I will t…
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Ctrader avatar
Ctrader 24 Sep

I try my thinking !

JungaBunga avatar


iiivb avatar
iiivb 25 Sep


JulianaJ avatar
JulianaJ 25 Sep

хм, интересно....

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