annatimone's Blog


How Long will the Brazilian Carry Trade Last?

While the recent interest rates increase in Brazil to 8.5% along with other price hikes has created domestic unrest across the country that has been called the “Brazilian Spring” by some, for international currency traders there is reason to rejoice. In the current low interest rate environment, there has been a strong need for the profitable carry trade that used to exist with the Brazilian Real. With interest rates rising now, it has returned, with foreign currency traders cheering in While t…
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Nadin5794 avatar
Nadin5794 19 juillet

I suppose that many traders already evaluated quality of information which you publish... simply all have no time to put estimates or to write comments))....

annatimone avatar
annatimone 19 juillet

Thank you so much! You are too kind. For some reason, I can’t include charts in my posts. It doesn’t copy/paste and attachment doesn’t work, not attaching. Once in a while I get message that the chart is wrong size. Maybe it’s the computer I’m using. I have to try it from different computer. It’s not a big deal, but makes it more entertaining I guess. Thanks again for your comments. I appreciate it. And I love your posts and information you post. How is everything going on your end? Is it hot in Khabarovsk?

Nadin5794 avatar
Nadin5794 19 juillet

Some days are rainy, but generally at us very much hot in the summer..the picture needs to be reduced in the graphics editor (Paint)

annatimone avatar
annatimone 19 juillet

I’ll try, but it sounds too complicated for me. Hahaha! Thanks, Nadine..:)

Dieselfx avatar
Dieselfx 23 juillet

it would be nice to post a pic of your computer battlestation

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What do you think about Brazil?

Happy Monday!.. I thought I would start Monday with a puzzling question. Any thoughts about Brazil? Brazil raised key interest rate a half-point to 8.5 pct. Do you think it’s good or bad for Brazil? I think it will slow down Brazilian economy, because raising interest rates will slow down exports. The higher costs of living for some or, more precisely, higher cost survival for most is unavoidable. Especially, small businesses will feel the impact and suffer tremendously. Politica…
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Task 2 - Japanese Yen

I picked Japanese yet, because I believe Yen due its utility in the carry trade. A “carry trade” consists of borrowing a currency with a low interest rate, exchanging this money into another currency, and investing exchanged money in higher yielding and higher risk investments. These investments can include but are not limited to emerging markets, US-based stocks, and Japanese stocks. In turn, investors are essentially getting paid money when they choose to invest in a depreciating currency. In…
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alltrade avatar
alltrade 21 juin

Yes, USD could go up much higher but then one also needs to remember that higher exports also raise the value of the currency of the exporting-country by creating more demand for it, that's why this pair had been falling for quite a while before the recent rise, which can clearly be seen on monthly charts, so we'll see how it goes :)

alltrade avatar
alltrade 21 juin

Bernanke probably has dug a deeper hole than his predecessor/mentor Greenspan, who'd caused a massive bubble with low interest & ridiculous monetary expansion; present unprecedented amount of liquidity could temporarily fire up a mega-bubble but hell will break loose when it collapses, could be the end of US as we know it!
It's like giving more drugs to a drug-addict having withdrawal symptoms, sure, it "stabilizes" him for a while but that's not a permanent solution to his problem.
Central-planning didn't work with agriculture, not with industry & it hasn't been working with money either!

Marie avatar
Marie 21 juin

annatimone thank you for the article and nice photo! please add the tag "Task 2" to this post (and don't forget to add this kind of tags to all tasks)

annatimone avatar
annatimone 22 juin

Hi Marie,
Where or how do I tags? I don't see it anywhere on the blog or anywhere on post page. Please let me know. Thank you.

annatimone avatar
annatimone 22 juin

Hi Marie,
I got it! I was looking for tags option at the bottom of the post, like in WordPress. I found it. Sorry! Thank you.

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