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My Lovely Kitty-cat!

I have a cat named Nora. When I was 14-teen years old I was coming from school. On the traffic light I saw a small cat under my feet, at first sight it was about 2 months. I was waiting green light to pass the road and was starring at her. Without thinking twice I decided that I will take her to my home. It was very cold outside and I put her under my coat and she began purring. Noone was at home. My parents were at their work. I washed her, gave her food, put a cat tray. When my parents came ho…
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EURusd overview

Yesterday, 1 described in the United States.The quarterly growth rate was revised downwards according to previous calculations, while some fed/FOMC members ' speeches after data will be followed. St. George'sLouis Fed Chairman James Bullard: rapid interest rates will harm the economy, while Atlanta Fed Chairman Raphael Bostic: trade Wars concern, the rapid increase in interest rates can cause the goal to be exceeded, he warned. The leading CPI figures announced in Germany yesterday mostly fell b…
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EURusd overview

1,1730 - band pricing in 1,1865, while the pair still undecided on the determination of the direction. No signs of a jam now. Despite the pigeon message the Fed, the ECB to revise inflation expectations upwards pair up draws. As long as it continues its grip on 1,1730 technically may prevent upward movement.
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Skate or Die! :)

Скоро уже совсем станет тепло, а у кого-то холод так и не наступал. Но когда половина планеты вздохнет с облегчением, что зима наконец-то закончилась, это почувствуют все, быть может разговоров про кризис станет меньше, страшные новости в лентах социальных сетей будут мелькать реже,"суицидники" вылезут их своих "петлей" и птицы вернуться в родные гнезда?
А что будете делать вы? Если, пока еще не решили, то у меня к вам предложение, написать топ 50 дел, которые нужно успеть сделать за лето-весну …
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Robert81 avatar
Robert81 30 Mar

как успехи с катанием?

fxsurprise8 avatar

Well we know for a fact that Hitler wasn't a skater, so it can't be THAT bad

TURKEY34 avatar
TURKEY34 25 Abr

use slow

WallStreetBlog avatar


FX_Riper avatar

nice Video, you look very lovely .... :)

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Whaoooo .. the smartest kitty ever!!

I owned a kitty and a puppy before (not at the same time being)
People always said dog is human’s best friend
But I find kitty is more adorable
My kitty was a witty and smart one
She knew where to go pee and never mess the place
She can always entre the room even the door is closed ( I have no idea how she did that)
I lost her for a day and felt so anxious, but she eventually came back right the next day
She seemed knowing what was on TV, she just sat next to me and starring at the screen
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peachynicnic avatar

isomere any song else you like? I can do a piano cover for you :)

isomere avatar
isomere 29 Oct

No thanks peachy, enough for today:)))

peachynicnic avatar

isomere How about tomorrow ?

bharatholsa avatar

smart kitty ))

isomere avatar
isomere 30 Oct

Ok, do what you like and take your time!

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My vlog, channel

Hi guys,
If you remember me from last year, I said that really liked blogging and basically that's what I got out of the Miss Dukascopy contest.
So I started my own youtube channel and you can check it out here:
I also have cat videos:
So please check it out if you have time.
If you don't remember me...
Hi, My name's Neetu and I'm from Toronto…
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CriticalSection avatar

lol @ "if you don't remember me" :)) where the F have you been hiding missy miss??? Missed you loads xxx

Neetu avatar
Neetu 22 Sep

Thanks, better to keep in touch with me via youtube. I check there everyday. I wasn't hiding, just not into this contest and a bit busy with other things. Remember we talked about editing software? I got it! yay!

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My new brother.

His name's Valentino and he's a Maine Coon.
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meyermasha avatar

haha !!! soo niiice!:)

Roopy avatar
Roopy 23 Oct


Patrisha avatar
Patrisha 25 Oct

Valentino! Like a most famous fashion designer :D

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Best kitty ever rescued!

Hey friends,Two years ago I found a small unidentified small hairy ball closed to round in a little village. Propably somebody had throwed him of the car. I took a small kitty to home and fed him milk with a syringe. Everybody told "It was too small, kitty would die definately"!But he survived and now is 2 years old! For somebody was wasted and thrown away as garbage out of the car but for me is a miracle, my love, my everything! I love you Chicco!
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H0nza avatar
H0nza 29 Ago

What a lovely kitty ! And a good turn at all !

ilonalt avatar
ilonalt 31 Oct

We also have a Persian cat Grant, he is very intelligent and clever :)

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Моя кошечка Лизочка
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We are super busy.

Hey guys.I've been super busy and super tired these days. I will be like this for all of July. My cat has been really busy too. She's busy hunting, patrolling her territory, and who knows what else. She brings some little animal home every day. Here's her with a mouse, under my bed. Yeah, it's pretty dusty under there.
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meyermasha avatar

Are you busy with job? studies ?:)

Neetu avatar
Neetu 8 Jul

With work. I'm a teacher and this summer I ended up agreeing to be a coordinator at one summer camp and teach at 2 others, so I am super super busy and teaching is a really tiring job, especially teaching kids.

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