Daytrader21's Blog


Quick Review of my Trades

Currency Pair: USDTRY
Side: Long
Amount: 5Mill
Time Frame: 1h
Open Price: 2.1841
Close Price: 2.1931
PnL: +90 pips Profit
Open date: 19.02.2014 06:34:52
Close Date: 19.02.2014 14:49:33
Reasons Behind the trade: In the last days we were compressing downwards hitting multiple times the levels we got pre-interest rate decision from Turkey Central Bank. I was expecting a bounce from this level. I used a trailing stop after we fail…
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Davos 2014 - World Economic Forum

Beside the current economic news calendar this days the market agenda is also dominate about Davos - World Economic Forum meeting.
You may be asking yourself what's this meeting all about, well if you visit their website they describe themselves as follow: "The World Economic Forum is an independent international organization committed to improving the state of the world by engaging business, political, academic and other leaders of society to
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kolokol avatar
kolokol 23 Jan.

Это очень интересно, спасибо! Мне очень понравилась вот это изречение :"I ask you to ensure that humanity is served by wealth and not ruled by it.!"

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