annatimone's Blog


Competitive devaluation by the US? Unthinkable

What an interesting week. The Armageddon that was really never going to happen, surprise, surprise, didn`t happen. The world has been spared the indignity of a technical default by its MVP – but in its place is a feeling of disappointment and uncertainty about the US that I find uncomfortable and not a little unsettling.
The eventual easing of the dollar this week has reflected a muted and slightly numb reaction to the outcome belatedly coming from Washington, and it is now, regrettably going to…
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The US deal, and concerns by holders of its debt

So, at last we have a deal of sorts. In truth, it doesn’t solve any issues, it merely reflects huge pressure to free up government spending, and short term, ensure that America pays its external obligations to its creditors. This sad chapter is obviously not at an end, and we face the spectre of more government by crisis over the course of the next few months. Bad as this is, short term, the long term damage done to US credibility and standing in the world is much more worrying.
At the moment, t…
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mag 17 Oct

Is true

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So exactly where does China spend its cash?

In the wake of UK fin min Osborne announcing easier terms (and visas) for the Chinese to spend their money in the UK the BBC have produced this handy at-a-glance guide of who, and what, we’re up against.
No surprises really but just another reason to be brushing up on some Mandarin.
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mag 14 Oct

1,351 M of population is 19,1% of the Wolrd

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OECD jumps on the inflation bandwagon

The OECD has just releases their inflation figures for August. Year on year readings:
  • G20 countries 3.0% vs 3.2% in July
  • EU 1.5% from 1.7%
  • EZ 1.3% from 1.6%
  • France 1.0% vs 1.2% prior
  • Italy 1.2% unch
  • Germany 1.6% vs 1.9% prior
  • UK 2.7% vs 2.8%
  • US 1.5% from 2.0%
  • China 2.6% vs 2.7%
Obviously the data is a lagging somewhat but it’s yet another sign of falling inflation but this time on a global scale.
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Facebook Stock Hit 50 dollars. Will it Increase Even More?

Last week, Facebook’s stocks went above $50 a share for the first time. As you may be aware, Facebook’s stocks were originally offered at a price of $38 a share last year. Soon afterwards, these same stocks decreased in price and hit a low of just over $17 a share in September of 2012. However, in the past two months alone, Facebook’s stocks have more than doubled in value. Additionally, the stock has also increased a remarkably generous 85% since the beginning of 2013.
Why Did this Stock Turnar…
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mag avatar
mag 7 Oct

fake book, very well explained.

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EURopean Wrap: Carney quote causes carnage again

Forex trading headlines from the European morning session 27 September
BOE governor Carney says he does not see a case for further QE.
• UK Nationwide HPI september m/m +0.9% vs +0.5% exp +0.7% prev
• China state council says it will test interest rate reforms in Shanghai trade zone
• US Fed’s Evans says headwinds are adding to a weak economy
• Evans says Fed wasn’t quite ready to taper
• China SAFE says strong USD and US recovery will help exports
• French final Q2 GDP +0.5% as exp/prev
• Swiss…
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The Cutest!!!!!

Fourteen pandas born at the Chengdu Panda Base in Sichuan Province, China, made their public debut in a most adorable way, cuddled together in a crib. The 14 pandas join the base's population of 128 giant pandas, all bred at the base and not taken from the wild. The giant panda, an endangered species, is native to China.
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diamondlife76 avatar

О! Опять панда)

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mag 1 Oct


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Vale CEO says Chinese construction stronger than expected

Brazilian mining giant Vale sees ‘strong demand’ for construction in China, according to the CEO who was cited by Bloomberg.After falling to a four-year low in June, Chinese stocks have rebounded 20%. Copper has gained about 10%.
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mag 24 Sep

Thanks Anna.

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August 2013: Trading the Chinese Flash Manufacturing PMI

I know past results don't guarantee future performance, but there is a lesson to be learned in looking at last month’s numbers.
Chinese Flash Manufacturing PMI (Purchasing Managers’ Index) is based on a survey of purchasing managers in the manufacturing sector.
Respondents are surveyed for their view of the economy and business conditions in China. A reading which is higher than the market forecast is bullish for the Australian dollar.
Indicator Background. Traders should pay close attention …
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JBTrader avatar
JBTrader 21 Sep

good info. Thanks!

Trader_Andrew avatar


aslamhammad avatar

good analysis :)

annatimone avatar

Thank you...:)

Haynes6EU avatar

Thank for your analysis :)

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The strongest storm of 2013 heading for Hong Kong

SCMP reports:
  • Super Typhoon Usagi, believed to be the most powerful storm on Earth in 2013, was on Friday heading across the South China Sea on course for a direct hit on Hong Kong.
  • Danger is the typhoon hits HK on Sunday
Hong Kong markets are closed for a holiday today.
What a way to have a long weekend.
Best of luck to all Dukascopy participants in Hong Kong (and to everyone in HK! And Taiwan, The Philippines and China by the look of this graphic)
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mag avatar
mag 20 Sep

Good luck to Dukascopy of Hong Kong, China, Taiwan and the Philippines community and around the world also.

Tatiana_Tim avatar

my payers go to people of hong kong

Neetu avatar
Neetu 23 Sep

so funny, Usagi means rabbit in Japanese.

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