Paulito's Blog


EUR/CHF Triangle

This pair stays not volatile for a while and what a nice triangle was formed here.It is pretty difficult to predict price 6 weeks in advance but with this pair possibility that it stays in the triangle for a while before breakout (probably to downside) is pretty not low :-) I would say. That is why I think 1.2165 is a viable guess.Daily:4Hour chart:
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Skif avatar
Skif 30 May

target 1.41 above 1.2630

VTTG avatar
VTTG 11 Sep.

Nice :)

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USD/HKD Stays in the Range

This is my point of view what is going to happen in 6 weeks on USD/HKDThis pair stays in a nice range for 4 weeks. It is not overly volatile and I think it going to stay that way.The trend is to the upside and so if it stays in the range it should end up at resistance. That is whyI think 7.7640 is a good place to start this new contest. Weeklyaily:
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Airmike avatar
Airmike 28 May

nice one

Berkeley avatar
Berkeley 28 May

Very good! Thumbs up.

drishti avatar
drishti 28 May

Good One.

PPandM avatar
PPandM 31 May


VTTG avatar
VTTG 11 Sep.

+ 1 for you :)

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