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Malata Yousafzai

Earlier this week I spent an evening listening to the dreams and passion of Malata Yousafzai at 92Y here in New York. Interviewed LIVE for CNN by Christianne Amanpour.
"Education for Every Girl in Every Village."
May she be honored with the Nobel Peace Prize tomorrow!!!
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CROATIA tops CNN's summer food destination list

Look what I found right now on internet. I'm so proud of my country Croatia. I will copy-paste the article so you can read. Thank you! Croatia might just end up being a record holder. The country already is the record holder forworld’s largest truffle. We think Croatia would be a good competitor for “Most Mentions on Best of Lists” too. Croatia has recently topped such lists as …
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Furian avatar
Furian 17 Ago

eh Hrvatska.... cele osamedesete provedoh na njenim obalama. A onda ludilo udje u ljude i nikako da izadje.

seediee avatar
seediee 17 Ago

eh da, ludilo je opasna stvar! Al mislim da se svi skupa liječimo od njega! :) moramo!!!

Metal_Mind avatar


seediee avatar
seediee 19 Ago

:) yes we have very delicious food in Croatia! You have to taste it! I will cook for all of you ... :P

Panzer avatar
Panzer 22 Ago

More good destination in the Jadran, Good luck the Croatia..))

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