annatimone's Blog


The dollar will slowly lose reserve status but not for

The Telegraph nicely sums up the long-term implications of the fiscal impasse in Washington in a story that’s being passed around. A deal is close but it’s a limited can kicking exercise and with a Congress increasingly filled with zealots, it’s impossible to imagine the near-future with a properly functioning Congress. It’s also impossible to envision a future where the dollar is a more-dominant currency; instead it will gradually lose influence (and value).
Politics are grabbing the headlines …
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The US $, and the US economy after the shut down

The fact that the US government has been forced in to this closure by a small group of Republicans is extraordinary when looked at from outside. I am in no position to say who is right and who is wrong in this debate, but one would have hoped that somehow, the national interest would have overcome political posturing before committing to this action. Perhaps the President was too forceful in his speech before the vote, in seemingly leaving no room for debate – and perhaps that hardened the attit…
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What Does a Government Shutdown Mean to the American people?

If Congress cannot agree on how to fund certain federal government programs by midnight September 30th, the government will be forced to shut down. How will you be directly affected by the government closure?
Well, it could look quite like what happened in 1995 and 1996 when the federal government was last forced to shut-down. The following areas were affected during the last federal government closure:
Law Enforcement Services - The US government ceased work on some child-support and about 35…
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Top 20 things slowing US growth and USD.

  1. Congress. Every tick of US growth in the past 5 years came despiteCongress’ best efforts
  2. The White House. Someone wants to build a pipeline to bring cheap oil and you fight it???
  3. Corporate unwillingness to invest, which is partially because:
  4. There are better places to invest than the US
  5. Dodd-Frank
  6. Basel III
  7. Fear about a Chinese slowdown
  8. Unwillingness to lend due to things like:
  9. Student debt
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Thank yoy very much!!!

Haynes6EU avatar

Useful for me! Thanks

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