

DAY 1 - Trading Plan for May Contest

As always I am excited and looking forward for start of new trading month. Last month I managed to be in Top 15 and the goal this month is to improve on my ranking.
I understand that in order to be consistent I have be patient with my entries and exit and not to get carried away if I miss a trade cause volatility is going to by there, so plenty of trading opportunities will arise as days goes by.
Moreover, beside chart analysis it is important to maintain a daily journal of all trades such as wi…
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Quote: " And knowing the areas "you suck at" is such an advantage I would almost call it an "edge"

Finally October contest is over and it was a closely fought contest for top 10 and specially for top 3 position. I finished the month on 11th position with just 1 point lower than 10th position. However, I am hopeful to get into top 10 when approximately 4 blog points are included in official results.
Since it's first day of the new contest month and being weekend markets are quiet, in my opinion …
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VictoriaVika avatar
VictoriaVika 2014年11月02日

Well saying - after the fact thought process is good for future reference, agree with you, Ali.


DAY 19 - Trader Contest Standing Review

Quote: "It takes a hell of a long time to study price. And after 5 long years of it, I can tell you it's all still just your best guess"

I was unable to post my blog for Day 18 as was out of town and decided not to think too much about trading or contest performance, instead had a nice and relaxing weekend with the family. After winning and losing hundreds of trades, I can say one thing for sure that no profitable trade can give you the same satisfaction or happiness than the quality time spend…
翻訳する: 英語 オリジナルを表示
cocciolla avatar
cocciolla 2014年10月20日


ANABEVZ avatar
ANABEVZ 2014年10月20日

Best wishes!

Bimlesh avatar
Bimlesh 2014年10月20日

Very well written... and your words are honest...I also agree, the things, the joy which feel of less value today would be the most regretted tomorrow.. if we dont enjoy it today... we only have 25550 days of life out of which 11000 are nearly finished for almost all over here :)

peachynicnic avatar
peachynicnic 2014年10月20日

5 years is really a long way..

MobNaga avatar
MobNaga 2014年10月21日

no family, no life!
