Блог agouvic


Enjoy your EYES with these beautiful pictures !!! наслаждайтесь своими глазами

enjoy your EYES with these beautiful pictures !!! наслаждайтесь своими глазами
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Life style for beatiful girls : nice style

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Life style for beatiful girls

life style for beatiful girls: like it !!!!!!!!
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A sweet beard: the essential gestures and products??????

  • - Shock treatments to soften

Hot oils
If you have a very dry beard and want to give it an intense treatment before going into a daily care routine, you can use hot oils.The brand Proraso offers a treatment with hot oils to nourish and repair the beard. The heated oil should be applied for a few moments in hot water and allowed to act for a few minutes before rinsing. Composed of ultra rich vegetable oils, it is an ideal formula to reinvigorate the dry beards and to obtain a hair in good healt…
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