
タグ・フィルター:  Creditors

Greece Referendum and The Holiness of God

Greek referendum has already begun and this is truly an historic vote as never before any country in EU has been so close to set the stage for an exit out of the European monetary union. The consequence of such an disruptive event can have violent dislocations in the currencies market and I hope by now you have an idea on how I'm going to play the Grexit scenario. You know the tension has hit a new milestone when the holiness of God is invoked as per recent comments from Greek FM Yanis Varoufaki…
翻訳する: 英語 オリジナルを表示

ECB To Launch EU-Wide Audit Of Bank's Balance Sheets

[/url] Submitted by [url=http://www.zerohedge.com/users/tyler-durden]Tyler Durden on 06/05/2013 09:47 -0400 www.zerohedge.com France and Italy are fighting against ambitious plans by the ECB to basically 'externally audit' 140 banks across the EU representing 80% of Europe's banking assets. The implementation of the project (by the head of financial stability at the central bank) appears to have two main drivers. First, to understand which banks' balance sheets are inhibiting lending (and why); and second, to ensure there is clarification on taxpay…
翻訳する: 英語 オリジナルを表示
jengkingfx avatar
jengkingfx 2013年06月05日

good info
