Elens94's Blog


My work: industrial Design

In the first year at the university, our first design work was the work of industrial design. We needed to choose 1 small thing from our home. At that moment we didn't know for what. Then teachers said that me must redesign this object, and male it more beautiful, for comfortable, more ergonomic. I choose the gray cleaning brush. Its appearance is presented in the klauzure ü3 (secon list). I changed the color and material of which it is made. designed capacity of the inside of the brush, through…
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Przetłumacz na Angielski Pokaż oryginał
alias1980 avatar

классная задумка

Elens94 avatar
Elens94 23 Wrz

alias1980 спасибо;)

RahmanSL avatar
RahmanSL 24 Wrz

Great looking re-design

lubZostaw komentarz


Friends always asks me, what I am doing at work/freelance. One of the work that I am engaged is the creating of design. Below I will show you my work to the contest of design Identity for "Antiplagiat. The task was to create a logo (which will reming in some things the previous logo) and to create some elements of design. The components of the corporate identity:
Copyright symbol - Copyright.
Shield - a symbol of protection of copyright.
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Przetłumacz na Angielski Pokaż oryginał
driven avatar
driven 28 Sie

Did you win?

Elens94 avatar
Elens94 31 Sie

driven haven't got results yet;(

driven avatar
driven 31 Sie

Ah, well good luck then!

Elens94 avatar
Elens94 1 Wrz

driven thank you!:) Unfortunately my work have not passed:(

Workes that pass:

driven avatar
driven 1 Wrz

Oh, that's too bad. I'm sure you'll do better next time.

lubZostaw komentarz


Last year, we had the course "History of design." In which we studied the different directions in the field of industrial design and interior design. One task consisted in the fact that it was necessary to tell about the designer. All the designers were distributed randomly, but to me, for my luck, was assigned to do a story about the inimitable Karim Rashid with his neon colors : D Karim Rashid is a famous industrial designer. Karim Rashid started the production of around 2,500 development proj…
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Przetłumacz na Angielski Pokaż oryginał
scramble avatar

uhm... i definetly prefer onther styles. but nice anyway

lubZostaw komentarz