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Day 15 : Dukascopy Marathon

My obligations for the contest have started running on auto; my schedule is gradually becoming routine. I am up at about 5am, and start running somewhere around 6am. After the run, I do my cross-fit routine and set of sit-ups. All these usually go smoothly, except for those mornings when my body just refuses to get out of bed.
At those times, it is sheer will and determination that gets me through.
Breakfast is now either toast bread and tea, or some fresh orange juice, several cups of it. I get…
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Nicole's super strong will surmounts the temptation

I have set the following targets for myself.
1 Read useful books and material to gain knowledge
2 Drink 8 glasses of water everyday and say no to soft drinks
3 Keep an healthy diet by mainly having vegetables with no salt or oil added
4 Wake up in the morning without being stuck on my warm bed
5 Hit the gym everyday. No workout no life. Let's sweat it !
By doing so, I can get my health, body shape improved and knowledge gained.
But some of them are really hard !!
I think the essential element …
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Stix avatar
Stix 13 Ott

Oil is necessary - brain is 60% fat but should be good oils. I use a far amount and still struggle to keep the weight on... It's not the oil - it's the quality. :) :)

peachynicnic avatar

Stix lol I haven't consumed oil for ages !!!!!!! Thats why I find my brain doesn't function well recently !!

fxsurprise8 avatar

I'm no expert but I think you need oils to absorb some of the vitamins.

peachynicnic avatar

fxsurprise8 I start to follow you advice by eating some desserts wohoooo!!!

Skysea avatar
Skysea 15 Ott

I love to see you with nice food haha

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