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EUR / GBP for September 3

Monthly Chart:
Weekly Chart:
Indicator Used: ATR, EMA (200), (50), (30), (20), Support Resistence, Candlstick chart, Monthly, Weekly
Pair Analysis: On the monthly Chart the Pair is in a uptrend, however it did not reach the Price levels of 2009. Average True Range is falling which shows momentum leaving the trend, The pair is only around gaining 30 Points in one Month time. Price Action is very choppy on the Weekly. Overall I expect the pair to sustain in a narrow range.
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EUR/USD breaks above 1.25 but pulls back sharply

As expected, ECB kept policy steady. Draghi didn't try to talk down euro, which gave it another boost higher. Later, U.S. president Trump backtracked on what Mnuchin said a day earlier, saying that ultimately he "wants to see a strong dollar", which prompted a round of profit taking among U.S. dollar bears. EUR/USD already recovered half of that fall and appears ready to retest 1.25.
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Chart Scale: Monthly, Weekly
Indicator used: Bollinger Band, ATR, CCI Histogram
Support and resistence
Monthly Chart:
Pair Analysis:
Eur/USd reached the big resistence area around 1.20. The Pair is now starting consolitating. Indicators show divergence. Monthly Chart shows sideways movement which should correct the whole upmove this year. I think the pair won't do much the next month.
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sharpsense avatar

As predicted it went sideways and now has found some kine of bottom in the 1.16- 1.17 area

sharpsense avatar

After the ECB decision, the pair were falling, as investors did not expect such an easing ecb. The Pair now is around 150 Pips from the target.

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Draghi caution fails to dent euro's rally

Draghi caution fails to dent euro's rally
Highlights from last week:
• Euro's advance continues despite Draghi's stimulus
• Mixed economic data provides little support for sterling
• US dollar slips after Fed Chair Yellen's speech
The week ahead:
• Euro zone consumer inflation data (Thursday,
• UK manufacturing activity data (Friday, 9.30am)
• US non-farm payrolls data (Friday, 1.30pm)

ECB president confirms stimulus still warranted
The euro extended its recent gains against …
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Markets Waiting for Yellen & Draghi

FX markets entered a "wait & see phase" with low liquidity this morning as investors are awaiting policy clues from Chair Yellen and President Draghi. USD is up against Japanese Yen but lost some ground to Sterling which is correcting higher. Dollar also lost a bit to AUD and CAD.
I expect Chair Yellen to send a mildly hawkish message which should be very supportive for American dollar. The most anticipated however is ECB President's speech that will take place in the afternoon US time and alre…
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EUR/USD for 2. October

Chart Scale: Weekly/Monthly
Support and Resistence
Indicator used: BB, CCI, Em 200
ATR: 444 Pips
Pair Analysis:
On the weekly the Euro/USD develops strong momentum since the beginning of the year. Prices diverges with Indicators like CCI and Stockastic. Morover eur/usd is in a strong resistence area, it will not be easy from here to move higher if fundamentals really changes. However CCI shows strong momentum which would suggest that the move is not finisehd and it may go sideways in the upcomin…
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EUR/USD for 1 September

Chart / Scale: Monthly, Weekly
Indicator Used: Bollinger Band, CCI Histogram, ATR
Support / Resistence: 1.1725, 1.18782, 1.2320, 1.2034
Atr Weekly/ Monthly: 174 , 445
Pair Analysis: Eur/Usd shows the biggest momentum to the upside since the crash of the year, after being sideways for the past 2.5 years, Eur /Usd is on the upper part of the range at 1.17. The range on the weekly now was slightly broken. Time will tell if the range now gets broken substantily or it is false break out. CCI Indicato…
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sharpsense avatar

The eur/usd have now corrected. there are big chances that the euro will move higher soon

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2. Day

Big Picture in Euro will get interesting when Euro wil have chances to leave the sidways movement of the past 3 years.
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Technical Indicator Used:
horizontal/vertical lines
EMA : 200 , 100
Bollinger Bands
US: Rate hike cycle
EU: No tapering
Trends: Weekly, Monthly down / daily up
Eur/Usd is correcting up to ema 200, some change of fundamentals could support this thesis.
Weekly Chart:
Monthly Chart:
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ECB - Mario Draghi

The ECB has announced an extension of the buying program, but will reduce the pace of monthly purchases. The announcement caused high volatility in the market.
Draghi argued that a "moderate but steady" recovery of the Eurozone economy is underway and a recovery in inflation on the way to the 2% target in the medium term. Still, the weaknesses are evident.
The central bank also announced that it maintained the central interest rate at 0%, the deposit rate at -0.4% and the marginal lending rate a…
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