jezz's Blog


Dukascopy Chatroom Idea

Dear all,
I have an idea that would or could be interesting. How about an altogether chat room? Open for discussions on forex, life, cooking, spamming other users with marketing, predictions, sending signals... A mishmash of everything.
The idea didn't come from the desire to socialize, unfortunately. Even though I have made some friendships and contacts outside this community with people from this site, some others have become annoying. In fact, my motif is driven by permanent spamming of othe
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geula4x avatar
geula4x 24 Oct.

+1 Liked: IMHO a good idea! I would suggest splitting the chat into several rooms, according to topics: news, macro, technicals, predictions, trade setups, socializing, general etc.

sonjatrader avatar

I like your good idea jezz

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Likeascopy Friday Rush

I just love the buzz on Dukascopy here on Friday. Competitions ending, points going up, going down, winning, losing... I really have fun. Thanks for the votes, mine were from the heart. Have a lovely weekend
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mag avatar
mag 14 Oct.

is NICe !!!! hahahah

jezz avatar
jezz 22 Oct.

It's real... if I had this bra, I would take a picture of myself and put it everywhere as a profile :P

dragandj avatar
dragandj 26 Oct.

good gift!

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