Erka_shildeg's Blog


Next Steps

Now the Contest Is Completed, Do This
Now, I ’ve just got finished my contest on a Dukascopy Marathon. Let’s talk about what to do now to:
  1. Keep my enthusiasm for continuing the good works that already started
  2. Take advantage of the momentum that gained during these 21 days
  3. Prepare to do it all over again, but this time, even better
  4. All of above
Mongolia: I want to share with you one of the interesting natural beauty which is about 40 kms from my home
So, what is next; Is the game over? Let’s …
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Summary of Results and Achievements
It is almost the time to complete the marathon, and I am proud that I have achieved the tasks during the last 21 days. It has given me great encouragement and motivation to pursue on right lifestyle and good habits to lead me to greater achievements.
One more day left to complete the marathon, it was pleasant and energetic days to post and read and get motivation from others.
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Learn to stop and you will learn stability,
Once stable, you will learn to rest,
In rest, you will learn serenity,
In serenity, you will learn to reflect,
And through reflection, you will succeed.
—Tseng Tzu
The purpose of meditation for me is to learn to be less judgmental, more objective about my thoughts, and less affected by them and let go of uninvited thoughts that enter my mind. Also, learn to live more in the present rather than engaging too much of past or future. If our min…
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How to motivate yourself to do exercises

How to start exercising when you really don’t want to
I have been quite successful in overcoming the procrastination of not doing exercise. This is how I did. First work on frequency – aim to do some form of exercise five or six times a week. Then work on the time you spend at it each time you do it. Then move on to the intensity and make harder, or go faster. In this way, we are mentally prepared to get the habit of doing regular exercise.
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How to stay calm

How to Stay Calm
I had a lot of stress for an extended period of time and tried to get out of it and sharing some of the effective ways to eliminate them. There were a lot of writings on positive thinking and negative thinking. But the positive thinking is not the best way to eliminate worry and stress, and forcing ourselves in that direction may backfire. Rather than telling yourself to “think positive,” it is much better to define what is feasible and possible.” To define the possible we need …
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Tips on self improvement

Tips for Self-improvement
Our efficiency improves by applying simple handful few techniques. Some of these are:
  • Exercise increases blood circulation and oxygen supply to the brain and our brain power boosts
  • Every brain is wired and forms the habits by repeatedly doing the same action over course of time (21-66 days depending on difficulty levels of habits)
  • Sleeping well helps our body strength and clear focused thinking
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Push to Run

Work like you don't need money, love like you have never been hurt, and dance like no one's watching. —Ray Denning
Today, I been in the gym and noticed that, in two weeks, I have added 2kgs, muscles are getting stronger. A decrease of fats and increase of muscles is a good sign that I am on track.
I still push myself to run and do the workout, it seems not yet formed as my habit but I will push myself until it becomes part of me.
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How to motivate yourself

How to Motivate Yourself
I often ask this question from myself: "Why I tend to easily give up or have such resistance to make change for good?". There are many things to explain but one of the fundamental reason for heavy influence is often received from our surrounding environment and advertisements that record their message in our subconscious mind through TVs and news. The modern world offers most of the time fast thing like “fast food”, “fast fix”, “faster speed blah bla..”, “instant coffee”…
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Weekly summary sheet

Weekly Progress
The results of the week starting from March 12 are much better than the week before and it looks like that I am on track almost in all 9 areas except meditation that forgotten twice.
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Medium term report

It is almost halfway to complete the marathon, it will be interesting to see what I have achieved so far and what needs to be corrected.
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