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Beautiful Istanbul!

I am in favorit city Istanbul. Will be here for a week or two. Anybody who will be in istanbul, let me know. I will gladly meet with you.
We can talk about forex, Turkey, our countries and life in general )
Will be nice to meet people from community in real.
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Roma writes history! Italian clubs is in their worst times but Roma played in an excellent way. I think they will become even better in upcoming years.
Wish to see them in FINALS ! !
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New ho ho ho from me ! 2018 )

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Lovely_bee avatar
Lovely_bee 13 Jan.


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My first ever win in Poker ) First place in weekly

Ladies and Gentlemen ! You can congratulate me ))
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Sasha_spicy avatar

yeah boy! CongratzzZZ :)

RahmanSL avatar
RahmanSL 20 Nov.

Very well done!...Congratulations!.....well, for some reason or other, I get dealt a good hand...e.g. pair of Js, Qs, and Ks....went all in and, 8 times out of 10, my opponent has a better pair than me and wipe me out of the tournament :p.... all these few years here, I have never ever won a Sat and monthly Poker contest :(

rashadali avatar
rashadali 20 Nov.

Watch Weakest link tv show )

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Weekly review

Trader Contest
Open trades
No open trades.
Closed trades


Click here for monthly stats.
I mitigated drawdown a bit in the last week of the last month's contest, ending it with 89K. EUR/CAD was the trade that put me back into game but then neither of GBP/JPY and GBP/NZD worked out as I was trying to apply trend trade management to a range-bound market. But nevermind, a new contest just started today.
Binary Contest
For the first time since since entering this monthly contest four years ago, I managed to win it. I earned about 35K on the fifth day of my September participation and stopped trading right there with equity at about 31K. I was lucky in that there seemed to be no real interest from pursuers to overtake the first place. There was a bit of a battle for the second place but, having wide enough an equity buffer, that didn't affect me.
Dukat Contest
During five quarters of Dukat accumulation, I wasn't always on the top spot. In the last month, stars aligned in the way that benefited me, putting me back into the lead. Luckily, most of the leading contestants decided to keep …
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trendforexi avatar

Congrats for win in binary contest !!

trendforexi avatar

and congrats for dukat contest too ))

al_dcdemo avatar

Thank you. :) This has been the best month for me so far in the contests.

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O mundo amanheceu com o baque da notícia do governo norte-coreano: 'realizamos um teste bem sucedido com uma bomba de hidrogênio'. O teste com uma bomba nuclear gerou polêmica e alvoroço junto à comunidade internacional, que teme pelo pior diante dessa situação.
A bomba de hidrogênio é considerada a mais poderosa do mundo e com poder de destruição avassalador, podendo, inclusive, ser superior à 'Bomba-Czar', uma bomba de hidrogênio feita com 50 megatons e que foi detonada em 1961 em um teste do…
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Got my Dukascopy martercard ! )

Hey guys İ finaly got my dukascopy payment card! Hope to have a million euro in it soon )
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zhanibek08 avatar
zhanibek08 30 Aug.

как получил бесплатно

rashadali avatar
rashadali 30 Aug.

zhanibek08  net ne besplatno. 8  ili 9 eur pomoymu. en pomnyu.

Sharpshooter avatar

И ранчо...)

yuliyas avatar
yuliyas 20 Sep.


krabik avatar
krabik 22 Sep.

Молодец, миллион это хорошо!

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Admiral Markets advertisement in google :D

Just search dukascopy in google and you will see this ad. Apparently they want to get dukascopy clients )
How legitimate is that? How trustworthy they can be with this? This made me think that they are unprofessional and unreliable! what is your opinion? May be Dukascopy team can do something about it?
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rashadali avatar
rashadali 18 Aug.

CommunitySupport  What do you think ? )

CommunitySupport avatar

Can You, please, provide here the search request which gives such a result?

rashadali avatar
rashadali 18 Aug.

CommunitySupport   it is not just keyword for search. They included dukascopy in their advertisement text.  "Dukascopy - Баланс до €10,000 -‎"

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Me in Italy ) Milan-Bologna-Rome

This summer was able to visit Italy also ) sharing some photos with you )
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Remember Virginia Woolf!

Today on 28th March In 1941, novelist and critic Virginia Woolf, 59, drowned herself near her home in Lewes, East Sussex, England.
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