Daytrader21's Blog


EUR/JPY Short Scalp

Since this week the focus should be on Fed I don't think I'm going to take any directional bets ahead of the rate decision. Instead I will be focusing on short-term plays, like I did this morning when I found a trading opportunity on EUR/JPY. On this short I managed to capture 25 pips so I'm happy all went well with it.
For the next 2 days I'll be looking to find more of the same trades.
Best Regards,
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Risk Aversion Full Scale

As per my expectations we had quite an interesting FX opening you can read more about what I had to say over the weekends here: Greece Saga Final Act
This is what an ideal risk aversion scenario looks like when the safe haven currencies are in high demand and currencies like JPY, CHF and the US Dollar are the ultimate beneficiary on this environment. The magnitude of the gaps we saw especially with the yen pairs where something that we never saw at least not in the recent history. But not only t…
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EUR/JPY & USD/NOK Trade Explanation

Last two trade where long EUR/JPY and short USD/NOK but unfortunately things didn't worked as planned and I was forced to close both of this trades at a loss. At one point on my long EUR/JPY trade (see Figure 1) I was -100 pips in red but I wasn't willing to close it because the 138.00 daily support level was holding the price and there was a high probability that we'll get a minor bounce from there.
Figure 1. EUR/JPY 1h Chart

I decided to play it defensively and take a small loss of only -34 …
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EUR/USD +100 Pips Profit and EUR/JPY Missed Target

In today's blog post I'll be talking about my latest trades that I took during the FOMC Statement. Both of this trade where based on the fundamental reaction on the news. If you have read my previous analysis about the FOMC statement you would have known that when it comes to market reaction I wasn't sure how it will react. So in that regard I didn't had any position left during the FOMC and I was waiting to see how the market react before to decide how I would have trade it.
Figure 1. EUR/USD
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EUR/JPY Elliott Wave Cycle Completed

Based on the Elliott Wave analysis EUR/JPY has completed a five wave sequence from the 2012 bottom and right now we're in a corrective process which should keep this pair in a wide range. For the time being the 136.00 level and pivot point should act as support and because we're entering the summer time period where liquidity is generally low and usually the market is moving in a tight range we should expect the market stay inside the 136.00-130.00 range.
Major Levels to
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Daytrader21 avatar

Update 1: The level 136.50 is still holding the market for going up as expected and next week we should see a pull-back inside the range. Support stands at 134.00 current bottom of range box. The market is still in consolidation and us such look for more range bound.

Daytrader21 avatar

Update 2: The market is moving as per my plan and we're still trading inside the range box. Key level to keep in mind for next week are 133.00 bottom of current range and also support level and the middle of the range which comes at around 135.50 which is also a pivot point.

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Update 3: As expected from my last week update the 133.00 level has acted as support and we had a strong rally and we're heading for a retest of current box top which comes at around 137.00 which should act as resistance and send price lower again. First level of support for next week comes at the big figure 135.00

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Update 4: Unfortunately we broke higher and right now the next range box is about to be established above 136.50 level. We have to wait and see if current high at 141.00 will hold or not in order to validate my forecast or not

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Account Balance back at BE

So far this month has gone nowhere for me, as my account balance was moving back and forth. Unfortunately I wasn't able to keep my previous profits and had some bad trade going on in EUR/JPY. It seems my hole premise of going long has been wrong as I wasn't able to discount the EUR/USD pressure and the effect it would have on this cross. I'm not sure I'll be continue in the contest as my changes to get in top 10 are very slim.
Best Regards,
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Olga18375 avatar

Good luck!!!!

pipx avatar
pipx 11 Mar

March has been cr*p for me as well, I will try again next month. All the best

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Trades Update

After last week almost loosing all my profits, this week I managed to bring back my account in profits and my account balance now stands at 140k. I only had 2 trades running on, as I was both long some yen crosses pair like EUR/JPY and at the same time I had a long on GBP/USD. On both of this two trades I entered because we where retesting some major support level and previous swing low points.
There is nothing much on the doc for this week in terms of big market movers news and us such I'm expe…
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Weekly Recap

Interesting week we had with big developments in the market on the one hand ECB came out with it's QE programme details and on the other hand the US job report has confirmed once again the US labor market is on strong growth path, which may signal that the first rate hike can happen sooner rather than later. See here my previous blog post as why I was expecting NFP figures to beat market expectation: [url=…
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USD/CHF Fractal Update.

After managing to catch almost 1000 pips from 0.8700 bottom, over the past 2 weeks you could have made another 300 pips, round turn, if you would have traded the EUR/JPY-USD/CHF Fractal (see Figure 1) that I've provided in this blog post: USD/CHF 3 Years of Trading Range. 1000 Pips Profit
Figure 1. EUR/JPY - USD/JPY Fractal

I'm really impressed by the precision of this fractal and it has unfolded so far and now, it's time for an update chart (see Figure 2)and look at what is next to come.…
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Trade Explanation

Here I'm going to give my explanation of my latest trades:
Currency Pair: EUR/JPY
Side: Long
Amount: 5Mill
Time Frame: 4h
Open Price: 136.66
Close Price: 136.983
PnL: +32pips
Open date: 06.08.2014 13:41:06
Close Date: 07.08.2014 05:16:52
Reasons Behind the trade: This trade was based pure on technicals, simply support and resistance levels on an intraday levels. But also on correlations as well as EUR/USD price action looks very oversold so I was expecting a short squeeze and this will drag EUR/…
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Neu_spir8 avatar

Nicely analysed pal and by the way i got messed up when laughed about ur lose, my apology, will never do that again.

Daytrader21 avatar

Neu_spir8 Take it easy I never interpreted your comments that way. I laugh about my losses all the time:))

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