limko's Blog


EUR/USD Reached the top of the falling channel

eur/usd Reached the top of the falling channel. This week, the pair's quotes reached the top of the falling channel, which lasts a year and a half. This week I made a few errors with short positions, but my system said to sell and I did it. Only those who do nothing are not mistaken. Today I made another attempt to open a short position on the pair eur / usd. Stop loss 1,4446.
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Yesterday was broken small triangle (red) and the price went to the upper boundary of a large triangle (white) , reaching our target for the last transaction. Today, you can make a purchase on ritest punched maximum price of 1.11 , stop loss 1.1050 . The target for the next few days 1.1350,if the stand yesterday daily low .
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Yesterday was broken small triangle (red) and the price went to the upper boundary of a large triangle (white), reaching our target level for the last transaction. Today, you can make a purchase on ritest punched maximum price of 1.11 , stop loss 1.1050 . The target for the next few days1.1350 if the stand yesterday daily low .
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the currency pair eur/usd has formed two triangles as we see in the figure below . Yesterday was broken small triangle on the basis of which we can make a purchase at the current price , stop loss 1.0910 , TP 1.12 .
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Weekly chart EUR/USD

После публикации в пятницу предварительных данных по европейской инфляции, оказавшейся, вопреки прогнозам, даже несколько выше рыночных ожиданий, курс пары возобновил рост. Однако продолжить подъём не удалось. Ценовая динамика пары резко изменилась, вскоре после того, как член Управляющего совета ЕЦБ Эвальд Новотны заявил, что экономический рост Еврозоны в этом году не оправдывает ожиданий, а Германия, словно в подтверждение этому, продемонстрировала худшую динамику розничных продаж с января 201…
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