Блог annatimone


$20k for a hotdog in the eye at ball

A baseball fan is suing the Kansas City Royals after a mascot lobbed a hotdog that hit him in the eye. The poor bloke had to have two operations to fix his peeper and it’s still not right. Baseball clubs are covered if a ball hits a spectator but courts overturned an early hearing saying that he should have been paying attention. The appeal said that while you should expect a ball to hit you you should be expecting a hotdog. The case is ongoing.
Given how much people eat at baseball games I’m su…
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mag avatar
mag 4 Нояб.

the news is funny, maybe stripe absurdity; except for the wounded

alibaba avatar
alibaba 24 Март


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FT lectures Europe on deflation, says ECB should cut rates

The Financial Times is out with an editorial saying the European Central Bank should cut rates next week.
The ECB has done little to stop inflation undershooting its target of close to (but below) 2 per cent. A rate cut in May and a promise to keep monetary policy loose until growth returns was all Frankfurt had to offer. When the ECB’s governing council meets next week, it should immediately cut its policy rate from 0.5 to 0.25 per cent. A new round of cheap loans to the banks – perhaps linked …
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Perfect day for the European boggyman to drag out an

Perfect day for the European boggyman to drag out an ECB corpse
Nobody loves a fright in the economy more than Ambrose Evans-Pritchard at The Telegraph and for Halloween he got a genuine scare from the Eurozone inflation data.
The region is dangerously close to a Japan-style deflation trap, he said.
He tracked down a mystery ‘former ECB governor’ for his take:
A former ECB governor said the bank’s passive stance over the past few months was a “disaster” for Italy and Spain. The time-lag effects …
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mag avatar
mag 31 Окт.

Very intersting.

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Feedback for the contest, Task 22

My feedback answers for the contest:
What has been your experience with Miss Dukascopy 2013 contest?
This is my first time to be involved with Dukascopy Bank Community and this is my first time to participate in Miss Dikascopy contest. I had a wonderful experience and enjoyed all of the components of the contest. It was interesting to work on all tasks. I enjoyed my interaction with other Miss. Dukascopy contest participants as all ladies are very beautiful, smart, talented and ver
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Nick_T avatar
Nick_T 1 Нояб.

Miss Dukascopy 2013 :)

annatimone avatar
annatimone 1 Нояб.

Ok. Thanks. What should I do with this prize now? Is it money I can only trade? Or can I get it in cash?

Nick_T avatar
Nick_T 1 Нояб.

You can withdraw it as soon as the minimum turnover condition is complete (we want you to try our platform frist, maybe you'll like it ) .

annatimone avatar
annatimone 1 Нояб.

Ok. Thank you. I would like to withdraw it. What are the minimum turnover conditions? Thank you.

Nick_T avatar
Nick_T 1 Нояб.

Funds can be withdrawn from the accounts after the minimum turnover is reached. The required turnover constitutes $500,000 for each $100 won.

In other words - some 15 trades with high leverage. Your account manager will give you all the details. He should contact you next week.

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Look for a jump in US unemployment on technicalities of

The BLS is out with a technical note regarding the upcoming non-farm payrolls report, due November 8.
This part on the household survey caught my eye:
Workers who indicate that they were not working during the entire survey reference week and expected to be recalled to their jobs should be classified in the household survey as unemployed, on temporary layoff. This would include furloughed federal employees as well as other affected workers. These workers are classified this way regardless of whe…
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Fed says it will await more evidence before QE taper

Highlights of the October 30, 2013 Federal Reserve’s FOMC statement:
  • Fed funds rate held at 0-0.25%, as expected
  • Monthly bond purchases remain at $85 billion/month, as expected
  • No change to forward guidance on interest rates
  • Fed says data since Sept meeting generally suggests economy continued to expand at a moderate pace
  • Repeats that downside risks to the outlook have diminished on net since last Fall
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mag avatar
mag 30 Окт.

Thanks Anna

geula4x avatar
geula4x 30 Окт.

+1 Liked: Nice summary! :-) IMHO we'll see FOMC effect fade soon, and EUR/USD resume upwards momentum... Happy trading :-)

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How to trade a surprise Fed decision

Can the market really be this complacent heading into a Fed decision?

On September 18, the Fed burned many market watchers with a surprise decision not to taper. Six weeks later many traders plan to sleep through today’s FOMC decision, believing it will be similar to the previous statement. What is the risk of a surprise? In September, the Fed explained the decision not to taper like this:
Taking into account the extent of federal fiscal retrenchment, the Committee sees the improvement in eco…
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stane2405 avatar
stane2405 30 Окт.

well, I was surprised! my clock/time was 1 hour late, hehe

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US Economic Outlook for the Near Future.

US economic growth will be modest in 4Q 2013 and show slight acceleration in 2014. Weak consumer spending will continue due to weak consumer income growth although housing recovery will support consumer confidence. Fiscal issues will remain a negative factor. Business fixed investment is vulnerable to economic uncertainty although corporate sector has healthy balance sheets.

Interest rates

I expect yields to rise gradually as US economy improves slowly. Recent weak employment report m…
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7 Weird Reasons You Are Tired All the Time

Some nights you stay up very late and need to get up early, so naturally you feel tired. But sometimes, the root of your fatigue isn't so obvious, and everything from a hidden health issue to your gym habits could be to blame.Here are 7 reasons you could be dragging--and how to regain more energy than you ever remember having.

1. You're dehydrated

Healthy men and women who failed to replace a mere 1.5% of their water weight experienced mood swings and low energy levels. The study authors…
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India is facing the battle of inflation v growth.

It's worth taking a look back at India, and the progress under the new(ish) Governor.
It is reassuring to note that the pressure on the currency noted back in early September has abated, with the record lows seen then, reversed by some 10%. The rebound exhibited there has also been reflected by a similar rise over the same time frame in the Sensex. Governor Rajan was only appointed on 4 September this year, so he can look back on his first 2 months as very satisfactory – but greater challenges l…
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