Strategyrunner's Blog


Will Brexit Trigger Exodus of Banks From London?:

Will Brexit Trigger Exodus of Banks From London?:London has flourished as a financial center for decades in part because global banks, from offices around the bustling City of London district, could sell their services freely around the European Union’s 28-nation trading bloc. Now that British voters have decided to leave the EU — the complicated international divorce known as Brexit — the city’s status as a banking hub is under threat. If U.K. firms lose easy access to Europe’s $19 trillion eco…
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Is Italy unfit for the Eurozone?

Italy’s economic performance since it joined the Eurozone has been dismal. GDP per capita of Italy is now lower than at the start of the Eurozone in 1999. This means that the Italian population as a whole is now poorer than when the country joined the Eurozone.The contrast with the evolution of per capita GDP of the euro area as a whole is a stark one. The other countries of the Eurozone saw their GDP per capita increase of 15% since 1999. In other words, they have become richer by 15%. Not terr…
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