

Trends which are out of fashion this season.

Hello Community!
Thanks God that spring is already here and we are getting ready to the beach season and bright summer outfits! Thats the reason to make revision in your wardrobe and remove all things which are not in fashion any more out of there! So let's start from the top
  • No artificial floral band anymore!
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Olga18375 avatar
Olga18375 2015年04月23日

и эспадрильи еще…

DanaJulia avatar
DanaJulia 2015年04月24日

Olga18375, точно! они уже надоели! каждый 5-й  в них

DanaJulia avatar
DanaJulia 2015年04月24日

я еще не готова попрощаться с обручем с цветами, я его всего раз надела (хотя чувствую, что и это был первый и последний рах)))) как-то до нашей страны пока мода дойдет, уже не актуальна большая часть вещей. как раз чистить гардероб буду на выходных. Если меня не будет в понедельник - меня либо моль съела, либо (первой нет) привалило вещами насмерть)))

JuliaBF avatar
JuliaBF 2015年04月24日

DanaJulia ахахаха!!!!!! Я тебе желаю удачи!!!! У меня где -то такие же планы)))))

verindur avatar
verindur 2015年04月25日

Men are fooled by Beauties. And the Beauties are fooled by fashion And both things are important for the Business to run successfully.


Are You Ready For Summer Season???LOL

Hello Community!
How are you today? I have some news for fashion babies!))) Beach season is coming soon and I would like to ask you which swimming suit you prefer?
You know lots of girls prefer to be almost naked on the beach. The smaller swim suit the better it is for them))))) If to be honest, I disagree with such opinion but fashion is fashion and preference is preference. It is all about taste )
So, for such hot babies there is a new type of strings came out. This "pants" are created by Ger
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DanaJulia avatar
DanaJulia 2015年04月08日

фуууу... выгладит реально жутко

maximemc8 avatar
maximemc8 2015年04月08日

ANABEVZ we all say i start tomorrow and then we are in winter again and still fat ahahahah !!!!

JuliaBF avatar
JuliaBF 2015年04月08日

DanaJulia реально жесть! Я не понимаю как в таких "трусах" можно на люди выйти????

JuliaBF avatar
JuliaBF 2015年04月08日

maximemc8 NOOOOO!!!!! We are different)lol

maximemc8 avatar
maximemc8 2015年04月08日

ahahahah :) ok ok!!


Wind of Change In Beauty Standards

Happy Sunday Community!
This sunny morning I would like to talk a bit about changes in beauty standards during the last few years. I already did blog about plus size models but it was like separate category. Now I want to discuss this topic in general.
So, nowadays, a beautiful woman is no longer skinny. The more volume in hips and boobs she has the more beautiful she is. . Skinny models are not popular anymore. There is Kim Kardashian body shape in trend. The best world's magazines prefer to ha
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JockPippin avatar
JockPippin 2015年04月06日

Just shake what your Mama gave you !!! . Make the best of what you got . Fat girls ,skinny girls ...I'm calling all girls :)))) .

JuliaBF avatar
JuliaBF 2015年04月06日

lol JockPippin

maximemc8 avatar
maximemc8 2015年04月07日

lol mens love bumpy ass and boobs, i dont beleive any men that will say i love to see the bones of my GF!!! but still there is limit... i don't say fat, i love good shapes!!

JuliaBF avatar
JuliaBF 2015年04月08日

yeah. I see... No skinny shape anymore. .)

maximemc8 avatar
maximemc8 2015年04月08日

we love to have material to touch you know, not bones :)))))))


Original VS Copy

Good morning Community!
I would like to know your attitude to copies? You know why? Because today production of copies are become more and more popular and people buy it! China and Turkey are producing luxury copies of a very high quality which are almost impossible to differentiate from originals. And, by the way, it quite expensive as well but, of course, not as much as real Dior or Chanel. Moreover, decade ago it was not possible to make a replica of Luis Vuitton and some more brands but nowa
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JuliaBF avatar
JuliaBF 2015年04月03日

anna_t Ань, это все говорит о взглядах на жизнь. Можно, например, водить вольво и чувствовать себя круто, а можно водить бентли. Точно так же и с сумкой. Можно довольствоваться клевым фэйком за 300 баксов, а можно чувствовать себя БОГИНЕЙ с крокодиловой биркин за 50000. .

JuliaBF avatar
JuliaBF 2015年04月03日

Like!!!!!!!!!! maximemc8

maximemc8 avatar
maximemc8 2015年04月07日

JuliaBF !! BAGS FOREVER ahahahhaa

JuliaBF avatar
JuliaBF 2015年04月08日

Oh yeah maximemc8

maximemc8 avatar
maximemc8 2015年04月08日



Woman's personality. What do you need to show off?

Happy Saturday Community!
I would like to talk a bit about women and fashion. You know every self confident woman has totally build her personality by her 30. She has to know what is suits her and what is not. What is in trends and what is not in order not to look old fashioned. And, of course, besides other, she obliged to have garments in her wardrobe which are never out of fashion.
So, what are the bricks which builds your personality and what do you need to have in order for others t
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maximemc8 avatar
maximemc8 2015年03月31日

No need artificial way to show yourself in fact... stay natural with good fashion taste , comunicativ smiling and good hygien, manucure, pedicure, nice teeth and hair are very important, also the smell... a good parfum is always the elixir of the seduction :)

JuliaBF avatar
JuliaBF 2015年03月31日

Maximemc8 I didn't talk about those things as all people oblige to take care of their body and appearance in general))))) I was talking about  small things which are emphasize our personality))))) It is not even about showing off in fact

maximemc8 avatar
maximemc8 2015年04月01日

come on ! you girls are always showing off :p

JuliaBF avatar
JuliaBF 2015年04月03日

And what???? We are born for that!

maximemc8 avatar
maximemc8 2015年04月07日

oh yeah!! anyway, if my second hafl is showing off for me im ok for that ...


The Art of Fashion

Hello Community!
I want to talk a bit about fashion as an art. You know that fashion is multi -faceted and it can be various from grange style to a real art. Am I right? I showed you a real trash few days ago and now want you to see the other side.))
Yesterday I was watching The American Idol XIV and the performance of J LO was totally incredible! She introduced us her new song "Feel the Light" which is nice and full of sweet feelings. She was dressed up in white dress with hemline is about 1.5
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JuliaBF avatar
JuliaBF 2015年03月24日

Вот Вот! А голос можно развить))) Вспомните, какой она начинала. .

CriticalSection avatar
CriticalSection 2015年03月24日

I first heard about Jennifer Lopez when my mother introduced me to her - that time I had Salma Hayek on my wall and computer desktop hehe Since that introduction I've since admired the now J Lo as a phenomenal example of a women in almost every way (she doesn't know how to pick her men is one strike against her but otherwise perfect lol). If you know her story and where she came from and then watch this video it's unbelievable. A beautiful and touching performance. The dress is stunning.

maximemc8 avatar
maximemc8 2015年03月25日

Lol CriticalSection, i see how you are in love with JLO!!

JuliaBF avatar
JuliaBF 2015年03月25日

There is nothing bad I think. She deserve to be respected!

maximemc8 avatar
maximemc8 2015年03月25日

yes , she is amazing... for people who like latinas, but also for her talent.


And What Do You Ready To Do For Fashion??

Happy Saturday Community!
You know that all girls, especially here in Contest, are very fashionable. We are always talking about fashion a lot and trying to do our best to look cool and may be even shocking sometimes.
Nowadays it is very popular to chock the crowd with unusual, sometimes almost naked look. Remember Rihana with her totally transparent dress or Holly Berry. . Therefore fashion designers start to use all those things and make their shows extremely shocking for public in order to at
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JuliaBF avatar
JuliaBF 2015年03月23日

yes yes))

mio100 avatar
mio100 2015年03月24日

замечательный сюжет!)

maximemc8 avatar
maximemc8 2015年03月25日

it is discusting but funny in the same time how the model are ridiculous to show their balls for those horrible bags.... ahahaha

JuliaBF avatar
JuliaBF 2015年03月25日

lol maximemc8!!! It is a good question)

maximemc8 avatar
maximemc8 2015年03月25日

i didn't ask any question , but if i would be a model... i would do that for more important brands.... not for those kind of bags who looks horrible...ahahahah


Beauty Trends of 2015

Hello Community!
Today I would like to talk to you about beauty trends for 2015 as in comparison to 2014 it had been changed a lot! First all I would like you to know that there is big YES to the natural beauty this year! And now lets see all trends in details

  1. No side shaved hair do! Volume, volume and one more time volume! BUT no forced waves. Natural light waves with amazing volume is in trend! You can do it easily with blow-dry and flat irons.
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maximemc8 avatar
maximemc8 2015年03月19日

agree!! i love light color skin, i like the poney tail ! not agree with that ahahahah

anna_t avatar
anna_t 2015年03月20日

мне такие тренды нравятся )

JuliaBF avatar
JuliaBF 2015年03月20日

maximemc8 Than your girlfriend can be out of this trend))

JuliaBF avatar
JuliaBF 2015年03月20日

anna_t  И мне))


Unusual Photo Shoots

Hey Community!
I have a question to you. What do you think about unusual photo shoots? Recently it becomes very fashionable to do different kinds of photo sets. Professional, family, photo set when the girl is pregnant etc. Nowadays you don't have to be professional model to do it for yourself.
Do you, girls, remember how it was 10 years ago? For portfolio you need three - five looks sharply! One -secretary look, one -evening look, one -swim wear and so on)) LOL
Today you can do whatever you wan
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anna_t avatar
anna_t 2015年03月18日


maximemc8 avatar
maximemc8 2015年03月19日

nice one ! very original !!


Plus Size Models

Hey Community!
You know what I have recently noticed? Plus Size Models are becoming more and more popular day by day. Of course I have heard before that men start to prefer normal girls than skinny but everything is changing so quickly that even fashion designers and magazines choose normal or even plus size girls. Moreover if you have a look to the latest fashion shows you will notice that for lingerie and swim suits designers are choosing girls with beautiful bodies and amazing forms. By the w
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JuliaBF avatar
JuliaBF 2015年03月11日

Вика, девушки на фото далеко не худые. И дело не в лишних кг а в том что предпочтение стали отдавать именно таким . . Это сейчас "ничего себе" тренд

JuliaBF avatar
JuliaBF 2015年03月11日

Milian Ну знаешь, если так рассуждать, то можно и 100 кг весить и рассказывать что главное быть естественной))))

maximemc8 avatar
maximemc8 2015年03月13日

it is not too bad i would say.... no more anorexic.....

JuliaBF avatar
JuliaBF 2015年03月13日

yes maximemc8. It is all about balance. Beauty and Skinniness are different things)

maximemc8 avatar
maximemc8 2015年03月13日

