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Films trailers

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Films trailers

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FILM: Пока я жив / Jab Tak Hai Jaan (2012)

Hey, friends, today I would not tell you about the film premiere, but want to show you one beautiful Indian film about love. This is the story of Samar Anand, the Indian Army Major from the detachment of sappers. All affected as without a drop of fear for his life, he neutralizes the bomb, he was not afraid of death. One day, he rescues a drowning Akira, reporter of Discovery Channel, and accidentally forgets his jacket. Akira finds in it his diary and learns the story of Samara, his only love i…
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uber avatar
uber 17 Сент.

Awesome! ))

Elens94 avatar
Elens94 17 Сент.

uber yes great dance and very beautiful story of love!;)

edlim avatar
edlim 17 Сент.


RahmanSL avatar
RahmanSL 24 Сент.

great story line

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В поисках Дори

«В поисках Дори» — 3D-анимационый фильм и сиквел мультфильма «В поисках немо», вышедший 16 июня 2016 года. Производством мультфильма занималась студия Pixar, принадлежащая кинокомпании Disney. Режиссёры картины — Эндрю Стэнтон и Энгус Маклейн. Персонажи из первого фильма появляются в сиквеле, в том числе Марлин, Немо, Дори и обитатели аквариума.

В момента выпуска мультьфильма “В поисках Немо” прошло целых 13 лет, но я до сих пор помнила невероятно харизматичную, милую рыбку Дори, которая по…
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The Premiere of my film

I want to share this news with you
Looking back of this Summer, I made a Premiere of my film "Lost Souls
This film is creepy,scarry,funny and depressive at he same time.
This is huge story behind, and why I did it only this year.
This year for me to finish stuff..so
This film I filmed in 2005-2006, and only in 2008 this film get over voiced by my friend, and I edited it.
Then it spend a while on my computer. And then I took it and decide to make a premiere
I invited everyone wh
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speculo_ergo_sum avatar
speculo_ergo_sum 18 Сент.

is this a play movie or documentary?

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Dior and I

Have you been watching movie 'DIOR and I" recently??

If not, you have to!
It is a great documentary movie about big fashion production...
about the time when Raf Simons became on Christian Dior house and made his first collection...
The greatness of this make you been involved into creative process as a sew maser or technologist
Well... i took deep breath every minute with all heroes....true story that no one has seen before
music... emotions... make it true master piece for me .... sometimes…
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egypix avatar
egypix 7 Май

Its a good film

anna_t avatar
anna_t 7 Май

я думаю мне должно понравиться )

OOOOOOL avatar

egypix  it is more girly film i guess... but for people who loves art it will WOW))

OOOOOOL avatar

anna_t  я просто уверенна что да!! смотри - не прогадаешь))) как по мне - у каждой девочки есть мечта прикоснуться к прекрасному!!

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A Beautiful Mind

«If reality has ganged up on you, nothing is safe anymore...»
I suggest you watch the Oscar-winning film "A Beautiful Mind", was filmed by the famous American director Ronald Howard and was released in 2001.
The protagonist of the movie "A Beautiful Mind" - is a real person, scientist, mathematician, and Nobel laureate named John Nash. The film traced his life for over 50 years - from the time when he was full of hopes naive young mathematician from a small town until the early 2000's, when he be…
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JuliaBF avatar
JuliaBF 11 Март

I adore this movie!

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Im Learning HINDI

Hello, Everybody! )

I want to announce that I started to learn HINDI!

One start it was from watching Bollywood films - not over voiced, just with subtitles, to hear the language, it will be easy to remember.
And also i found many video lessons on Youtube
I want to Thank bharatholsa for giving me this idea - to start to watch films in Hindi with subtitles! Because i always watch over voiced
If you want to try too, here is some links I found and watched

If you can share some other good vi
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Stix avatar
Stix 1 Окт.

Learning another language is the best fun. Good luck ! :) :)

JulianaJ avatar
JulianaJ 2 Окт.

Желаю удачи и исполнения мечты :))

iiivb avatar
iiivb 3 Окт.


Alexana5 avatar
Alexana5 3 Окт.

Stix Thank you!

Sergej_Tomilino_2 avatar

I have an ex-groop-mate, living in India, Bangalore, if you want, i cant give you her contact

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Too much Heroes for this year?

Many days ago I watched "I, Frankenstein" want to share my thoughts with you
Well what can I say ? The film has his own style, I liked the picture, graphics its impressive,of course it is not " Avatar " by Kemirun, but its looks great . Soundtrack perfectly matched to the right place at the right time , but nothing extraordinary ..as usual Fighting between Good and Evil, and Frankenstein the only one who is in the middle choosing his side where we want to be and who he is, his purpose. What the …
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JulianaJ avatar
JulianaJ 14 Март

I don'tlike movies about heroes

Mariia avatar
Mariia 14 Март

O, I remembered the Iron man. Good film for boys and girls

Konstantin5 avatar
Konstantin5 28 Март

I like Robocop

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