rashadali's Blog


Is it possible to unlock contest prize?

Some people from community ask me if it is possible to trade and unlock contest prize. It looks impossible for some people to make 2.5milion volume to unlock 100$. Especially after decision to trade full amount of prize. Here is my result for the period from 19th Februar -17 April 2018.
Unlocked Contest Bonus is the amount that I can withdraw right now. I'm not going to withdraw but keep trading. It is possibel to withdraw this amount and it is very simple procedure. I have don't it before)
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Sharpshooter avatar

Я честно говоря, расстроен тем, что теперь нельзя дробить призы( Стало хуже(

Sharpshooter avatar

Но не потому, что мне снимать не удобно. У меня иная цель. Просто стало меньше попыток на ошибки. Дукас не думаю, что выиграет от этого(

Sharpshooter avatar

Раньше можно было приз в 1000 долларов юзать дольше). Есть своего рода защита от тильта)  Теперь же, если ты залил все 1000 и попал в неудачную волну трейдов и тильт, то сам понимаешь(

Sharpshooter avatar

Но с другой стороны это мотивирует быть осторожнее. Будем юзать, а что остается)

rashadali avatar

Mne  nravetsa to sto delaet Dukascopy. Vse  ix pravila  v polzu treydera. Eti pravila sazdayot  privichki katorie pomoqaet lutshe torqovat )

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Is it reversal for GBPUSD

We may have reversal pattern for gbpusd
can we consider this as a tripple bottom? I think it looks so. Also RSI broke above rsi trendline.
I think GBPUSD may drope a bit but will contnie climbing again.
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Josecarlos avatar


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U-turn from GBP

Who lost because of May? I lost 900$ ))
I don't think GBP will become stronger but anyway, big investors made their move.
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Josecarlos avatar

interessante,  mas  isso  é  correto mesmo

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May has stronger voice? )

May says they will leave EU and keep benefits and investors buy GBP.
EU says UK will not get any benefits without obligations. Investors ignore it.
Don't you think it is strange?
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ajnje avatar
ajnje 18 jan

Compra en el rumor.Vende en la noticia.

rashadali avatar

hmm  interesting )

Peggy37 avatar
Peggy37 19 jan

They think that EU will break down.

shahrukh avatar
shahrukh 19 jan

sound like strange i don't know who make benefit form this political conditions.

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EURUSD after FED's decision

EURUSD with the 100% possibility of FED's rate hike fell to the minim of 2016, 1.05692 and bounced from last years support level at
It seem EURUSD will bounce from support zone up to 1.0855 and meet resistance at previous support level. And after close to FED's decision it will fall to the support levvel.
I believe that with FED's decision it will break support level and fall to two years minimum and 161.8% of fibonacci expansion level.
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Elens94 avatar
Elens94 21 nov

great analysis!

rashadali avatar
rashadali 17 déc

Price as fall bellow support line as a predicted. I think it will reach previous support line and meet resistance will 2nd January.   

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