

Big Blow from Fundamental Analysis Contest

Few days ago, I decided to embark on trading starting from FA
I read the news every day and do the prediction in Fundamental Analysis Contest
To be honest, I am not a stupid type of beginner with learning difficulty..
But the result ends up so frustrating LOL
I got nearly all prediction wrong OMG
My current standing is seventy-something ?!
I was always the top 5 in Miss Dukascopy Contest LOL
Now you tell me I am the 73rd ?! LOL luckily Olga is with me …
Nothing to do with moaning about t…
翻译为 英语 显示原始
agddivisas avatar
agddivisas 26 11月

Good Luck!

VictoriaVika avatar

Keep calm, Peachy, and you will win soon :)

WallStreet6 avatar
WallStreet6 28 11月

Peace to all! With the fundamental it's a bit like the roullette. Last week there was news from China with impact on AUD/USD. I predicted the outcome right, the market moved in the direction accordingly to the reading, but just 2 minutes before the 10 minutes deadline the price jumped in the opposite direction above the level before the data. So, I forecasted the reading right, the impact on the price as well, but somehow the market moved back before the 10 minutes have elapsed. MY STRATEGY IN THE FUNDAMENTAL ANALYSIS CONTEST IS- DO NOT DO ANY ANALYSIS!


Give a first try in Fundamental Analysis

Hi my lovely community,
Since Miss Dukascopy is coming to an end
Finally I have a bit free time really start working on something related to trading
I start working on the theory stuff, beginning with Fundamental Analysis, some Technical theories
This week is my first time taking part in Fundamental Analysis Contest
Actually I have been interested in it for a long time
Finally I can spare some time reading some news and do some analysis
I am not a professional one, just a new learner, but…
翻译为 英语 显示原始
peachynicnic avatar

Jacklin 媽的... 那 ... 你也猜錯咯? LOL

Jacklin avatar
Jacklin 24 11月

是啊,  一直 以为欧元区经济不景气现在 突然来个数据利好

peachynicnic avatar

Jacklin 對呀, 第一次玩就失利, 不開心

Jacklin avatar
Jacklin 24 11月


DominguezV avatar
DominguezV 25 11月

En este concurso puedes participar sin ser un profesional, simplemente tira una moneda al aire, "CARA Alcista" "CRUZ bajista", muchos éxitos.
