annatimone's Blog


Forex Americas wrap: Nowotny cracks the whipsaw

Forex headlines for October 29, 2013:
• US retail sales Sept -0.1% vs 0.1% expected
• Retail sales control group +0.5% vs 0.4%
• ECB’s Nowotny: No realistic prospect of refi or deposit rate cut
• US October consumer confidence 71.2 vs 75.0 expected
• US Case-Shiller house price index +12.82% y/y vs 12.5%
• US Aug business inventories +0.3% vs +0.3%
• Carney says BOE won’t tighten until ‘real trajectory’ in recovery
• …
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mag avatar
mag 30 Oct.

thanks Anna.

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S and P 500 keeps climbing higher

S&P 500 keeps climbing higher, USD/JPY along for the rideThe FX market has been lackluster today. Everything except for AUD/USD (up a whopping 34 pips) is within a dozen pips of opening levels.
USD/JPY has pulled back to unchanged on the day as stocks continue to rip higher. The S&P 500 is up 9 points to a record 1742. It’s gained nearly 6% from the lows last week.
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Nadin5794 avatar
Nadin5794 18 Oct.

)) надеюсь следующая неделя будет более благоприятной для моих продаж S@P и покупки usdjpu )...

annatimone avatar
annatimone 18 Oct.

I give you a big credit for doing it! I hope you'll make lots of money!

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Why the US dollar is sinking today

The market was reluctant to price in the lack of a taper, until now.
Over the course of the fiscal impasse it became clear the Fed wouldn’t taper in October and probably not December. The market shifted to the January FOMC as a date but with the new government shutdown deadline at January 15, even that’s in question. Some prominent market watchers are even talking about June 2014 for the first taper.
None of this is a surprise but the FX market was unable to sell the dollar until now. Before, th…
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stane2405 avatar
stane2405 17 Oct.

hehe, 2 complicated 4 me

mag avatar
mag 17 Oct.


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The US $, and the US economy after the shut down

The fact that the US government has been forced in to this closure by a small group of Republicans is extraordinary when looked at from outside. I am in no position to say who is right and who is wrong in this debate, but one would have hoped that somehow, the national interest would have overcome political posturing before committing to this action. Perhaps the President was too forceful in his speech before the vote, in seemingly leaving no room for debate – and perhaps that hardened the attit…
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FX majors – year end predictions.

There is no disguising it, things are quiet in the FX market. We are reacting to key events and stats, and after having our `fix` of vol, we sit back, over analyse minor data, and wait for the next `hit` to come; don`t fret – NFP time soon!!
I would like to take a slightly longer term view of the majors, and look at what might be, by year end.
My overall theme is for a stronger dollar, and for £ to weaken perhaps to the mid 1.50`s, and for the Euro to come down to the mid 1.20`s. This would of c…
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mag avatar
mag 27 Sep.

very sharp !!!

Haynes6EU avatar
Haynes6EU 27 Sep.

Your analysis make me surprise

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Cannot figure out EUR/USD? Try vodka!

Here’s an interesting article, and if you like FX and the odd drink, you’re gonna love it!
  • The idea to be tested was that drinking alcohol can help to solve problems.
  • To test this, study participants were given bagels and a couple of vodka-and-cranberries, and then asked to solve puzzles
  • The results showed that participants were better at solving the puzzles after the cocktails
The current experiment tested the effects of moderate alcohol intoxication on a common creative problem solving task, th…
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mag avatar
mag 15 Sep.

:((((( I'll get an article in The Economist sobr, the problem of the consumption of alcohol in Europe.

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