cosma's Blog


FX Report 12 February 2016

Good Morning All; see now a Friday Currency Analysis.

Risk conditions deteriorated sharply in early Europe on Thursday with heavy losses in equities and fresh selling in the banking sector. In this environment, there was defensive Euro demand and evidence of fresh short covering. The US latest jobless claims data was lower than expected with a decline to 269,000 in the latest week from 285,000 previously which offered some encouragement that the labour market was still firm. Prepare…
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cosma 12 Feb.

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Why EUR Jumped 2% yesterday

Morning People; the biggest story in the financial markets yesterday was the 2% rise in the EUR/USD. The single currency experienced its strongest one- day rally this year and the move was driven by not one but five distinct factors: 1. Greek Debt Deal2. Weaker US Data3. Stronger Eurozone Data4. GE-US Yield Spread5. Speculative Positioning First and foremost, the euro would not have experienced such a strong rally if not for the prospect of a deal between Greece and its creditors being announce…
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