asdfggggggggg's Blog


Many interesting topics.

Humility is a virtue. Quite, dignified self-confidence is the mark of the civilised man, while boasting is for those who project outwards arrogance because they lack inner assertiveness.
Having said that,
I'm number one! I'm number one! Woo hoo!
Now I have reached 1st financial position in the trader contest, I might still do some trading to keep my lead intact and help towards the quarterly performance contest, but the main obstacle to my coming first in terms of points in the trader contest is…
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Mostly success, and one failed prediction.

Today I reached 600k trader contest for the first time, thanks to my previous prediction about a USD/JPY correction. I did then act somewhat sub-optimally during the rapid spikes around 2:30-3 GMT. The problem is a mixture of insufficient time to think, and that predictors which are normally valid are not necessarly valid during times of very high volatility. Rapid spikes are the most important aspect to prepare for, as you simply don't have time to think.
Today's predictions remain mostly the s…
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GBP/USD breakouts

You know that feeling when you are about to go to bed, and you think that you know which direction a pair is moving, but you also think that in the short term (next few hours) there might be a correction, so you play it safe and close your position, and then in the morning you find out that the pair moved in the direction you thought it might move, going up almost 1%?
The lesson is to take risks, but leave a stop loss. Or, don't have a position open but use a stop loss to open a bid if the…
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