
タグ・フィルター:  GBP Short

Still long AUD and NZD, now short GBP too

I am still buying AudUsd and NzdUsd, and Aud and Nzd crosses

I also am short GbpNzd now, as it popped back above 1.9 today
It was looking weak yesterday, and I don't expect it to survive above 1.9 level
I have bought dips in Aud and Nzd crosses, I expect moves higher and breaking of
previous highs in these pairs after the strong moves up yesterday
This should continue
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Closing GBP shorts and focus on USD long

I have closed my GbpNzd and GbpAud shorts today
After waiting for a few days and holding onto Gbp short in vain
I am closing my Gbp short positions and focussing on Usd long positions
I hope to build up some Usd longs after the weekend
I am still up 40K and have 140K total - I am now only long UsdNok for the moment
After the weekend leverage I should be able to load up
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Up and Down a bit in the Contest

I am hanging around the top 20 in the Contest
I have been up to number 4, and have been down to number 36 the past days
This has to do with my open positions
I am short GbpNzd, and GbpAud, and there is some movement in these pairs,
also I am long UsdJpy, and I went from being in the green to being in the red
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Profit swings with GbpNzd and GbpAud shorts

I am experiencing some swings and volatitlity in my Gbp shorts
GbpNzd and GbpAud are notoriously prone to violent and big swings
I was up to 250+K yesterday and down to 180+K today
I am letting the positions ride because there has not yet been a big move in Gbp
I am looking for a GbpUsd fall from highs, my pairs should follow rapidely
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Short GBP again

I am short Gbp again after closing Usd longs
I shorted GbpNzd after the weekend break, and GbpAud
I set sell positions waiting in GbpUsd and GbpCad, too
All positions have been triggered and I am left with a strange mix of positions
I have a GbpAud short in the green, a GbpNzd short in the red
and two smaller positions GbpUsd in the red and a GbpCad position in the green
(these are both around 1 milj. due to swings in Gbp and capital, I suppose)
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Looking for GBP shorts again

I am looking to trade Gbp shorts again
My Usd longs were closed on Friday, due to leverage
I had made my profit on Gbp shorts
Gbp has retraced back up again and I am looking to go short again at market open
I had switched to Usd longs, but now I think there might be more retracement down
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First positions opened

Nzd and Aud closed last year as the strongest currencies
along with the Chf
Because of uncertainty in Gbp due to Brexit negotiations still going on
and continued Nzd and Aud strength expected
I have shorted GbpNzd and GbpAud today
If Gbp weakness continues and GbpUsd can't hold above 1.35 - I will short this too
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Another challenge at the start of the month

I find myself confronted with a challenge this trading month
I am short Gbp - and my GbpUsd is alright for now, up a few pips
My GbpAud short went sour last night after the RBA decision interest
RBA was not upbeat as expected, but instead rather negative and without foreward guidance
This lead to a plummet in Aud pairs and stuck me with a losing trade
I went short GbpAud again after retracement but Aud is still weak
and I seem to be losing more again now
I shall stick with it a little while long…
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Short GBP positions paying off almost right away

Deciding to go short yesterday after closing Eur longs was a good call
After closing my losing long Eur positions yesterday, I did some technical research
From a technical standpoint Gbp shorts looked like the best bet
I shorted GbpNzd and GbpAud last evening and had sell limits waiting in GbpUsd and GbpCad
I positioned myself again today and was short all these pairs this morning
The Carney speech just now forced Gbp pairs down
and I made a very nice 100K+ profit off them
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EUR longs not holding up - time to evaluate

My Eur longs that I kept throughout the weekend went bad
Eur is feeling weaker to me now, and Usd stronger
I had to do some market research,
but my best bet now seems to be going short Gbp again
Gbp is down today together with Eur, while UsdJpy looks positioned for a move higher
With GbpUsd now below the resistance level again at 1.2760
I am shorting Gbpnzd and GbpAud as soon as I can
I will have a sell stop waiting for GbpUsd if it breaks below 1.27
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