Блог JuliaBF


Attention! No More Starving Suffering At Night!!

I have a mood today to talk about food))) LOL
Fortunately, I am here only with useful tips! You know there are not a lot of people in the world can afford their self to eat at night. I mean late night.
Most of us are trying to control food consumption in order not to gain weight and avoid bloating in belly in the morning which you can feel if you ate and went to sleep straight away. But what to do if you really starving at 1am and can't even sleep?? Or you have t
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maximemc8 avatar
maximemc8 7 Апр.

of course half avocado before to sleep ! i love it !!! give me a piece of ham with cheese between two toast ahahahah :p

anna_t avatar
anna_t 7 Апр.

класс класс, фруктики)

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Alleluia!!! Stress?? No problem!

Hello Community!
Today is Monday and, as for me, it is the perfect time to talk about stress! LOL
I have some good news about that. Do you know that there are two types of human behavior in stress? One -who are so stressed that not able to eat at all and second -who are like "vacuum machine "start to eat everything even without understanding what it is!))) So, despite on the type you belong to, there is already solution found out! Anyway you oblige to switch on brains in any situation so, please
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maximemc8 avatar
maximemc8 7 Апр.

usefull ! tahnk you JuliaBF

anna_t avatar
anna_t 7 Апр.

когда у меня стресс, то кусок в горло не лезет.

JuliaBF avatar
JuliaBF 7 Апр.

anna_t счастливый ты человек. Я веду себя в зависимости от степени стресса. Иногда я вообще ничего не ем, а иногда жру все и даже не замечаю(((( Вот для этих случаев, я нашла эту инфо и теперь хоть без ущерба для тела буду есть)))) LOL

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Useful Properties Of Fats

Hello Community!
In this blog I would like to tell you about useful properties of fats as still lots of people consider that all fats makes you gain weight. However, I believe that people who are trying to keep healthy way of life knows that all fats divided on three groups: useful fats and polyunsaturated fatty acids, bad fats and trans fats. Of course I will talk about first group which is coming from avocado, nuts, salmon, tuna,oils, etc. For you to know, the worst is trans fats which
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maximemc8 avatar
maximemc8 4 Март

very interesting, im not sure that ive used only usefull fat in my life ahahahah :)

JuliaBF avatar
JuliaBF 5 Март

as everybody LOL

maximemc8 avatar
maximemc8 5 Март

:) we understand each other !

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The Most Common Mistakes Of Healthy Eating

Good Afternoon Community!
How are you doing today? Hope your Tuesday is going very well :up )))
Today I would like to continue the topic about healthy eating and talk about the most common mistakes which people are doing concerning the food consumption. I want to you to pay attention on those things as most of people don't even notice what they are doing and after they complain about bad metabolism and stuff.
So lets start from the very beginning:
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JuliaBF avatar
JuliaBF 5 Март

Of course maximemc8! You don't need to be ready for the beach season))))

maximemc8 avatar
maximemc8 5 Март

i need but im afraid my office space will be my beach area for this summer.....so i still have one winter season to get back in shape ahahah :p

maximemc8 avatar
maximemc8 5 Март

in fact since few years im saying that i think......

JuliaBF avatar
JuliaBF 5 Март

work work work! You are real workaholic maximemc8!

maximemc8 avatar
maximemc8 5 Март

i need to make my GF happy and build family, so im working for that......

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The Most Useful Products for Men

Hey the strongest part of our Community!
Tonight my blog is devoted to your health))
Everyone knows that we are what we eat despite on the sex. As men as women wants to stay young and healthy as long as possible! If you want to stay in a good shape and feel yourself cheered up every day than you should definitely pay attention on the products you eat every day. To stay strong physically and mentally you have to consume right vitamins and micro elements. There are some important products
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