Unrestricted's Blog


USD/CHF Data for both markets will consolidate price.

Looking at the Wave shape and 4h trading channel we might see some consolidation around 200EMA. On first chart You can see how I am expecting the trading values through the wave channel. (4h chart)
Daily chart presenting some estimation how the sale signals should be initiated base on STOCH and his sequential for on 20days cycle.
Will comment later on how this looks in to my estimation
Good Luck
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USD/JPY - USD DATA Weeker, no rate hike, Support broken

I will continue work on USD/JPY analysis. As You can see on the chart I would like to reinforce downtrend. Last fundamentals convinced me to keep estimation of keeping current trend, As a strong resistance I see EMA 100 on daily chart as shown below. we can reach once to this level before December dropping later and braking support ad ending on 98,99level.
The 2nd chart will represent the pitchwork will create the channel of this pair through november
Have a Great Contest
Good Luck to All
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