

Vamps Halloween party

L'arc en ciel and Vamps are Japanese rock bands. They both have the same lead singer. His nname is Hyde.
They started having halloween parties maybe 3 years ago and this year is the most elaborate. One reporter took pics of people in their costumes outside of the venue.
The makeup is super impressive. Halloween is getting bigger and bigger in Tokyo. What are you doing for halloween?
In general, I've found Japanese people to be very open minded, not only in fashion or makeup.
To see more, here is…
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Roopy avatar
Roopy 31 10月

super cool. I love their costumes.

Waves avatar
Waves 31 10月

ah ah very nice


Halloween is coming!

Have you started thinking about what you wanna be?
This is Hyde, The lead singer of Vamps, and L'arc en ciel. They're Japanese rock groups. I might go vampy this year but not sure yet.
翻译为 英语 显示原始
CriticalSection avatar

If you do go vampy be sure to share a snap or two, I'm sure you'll pull it off nicely :)
