annatimone's Blog


Happy Diwali!

or Dipawali !
Otherwise known as The Festival of Lights. It’s the most important festival in the Indian calendar.
A wonderful celebration that now has huge significance for all religions across the whole country. Thanks are given for the harvest, and lights are lit. And many sweets are eaten!The festival celebrates the victory of good over evil, light over darkness and knowledge over ignorance, and that’s something we can all hope for in these markets!
I’m wishing my Indian friends in Dukascop…
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Nadin5794 avatar


Nadin5794 avatar

я уже писала,что мне безумно приятно было общаться с вами в рамках этого конкурса как с интересным собеседником,наши дискуссии зачастую помогали мне ориентироваться в фундаментальных данных... вы в очередной раз доказали,что я была права тогда!))..

Victor avatar
Victor 2 Nov.

Many Thanks for you wishes and wish you the same. Hope to see more of your posts here in the community.

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India is facing the battle of inflation v growth.

It's worth taking a look back at India, and the progress under the new(ish) Governor.
It is reassuring to note that the pressure on the currency noted back in early September has abated, with the record lows seen then, reversed by some 10%. The rebound exhibited there has also been reflected by a similar rise over the same time frame in the Sensex. Governor Rajan was only appointed on 4 September this year, so he can look back on his first 2 months as very satisfactory – but greater challenges l…
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Emerging Market Intervention - Devil in the Details

Now where have we heard this theme before, `India in talks with other emerging economies to intervene in offshore currency markets`?? This objective obviously has some merit, in as much as if one is convinced that intervention is still a robust strategy, then better to have a much bigger collective purse to bring to the table. The rationale presumably being that this large stock of collective reserves will be sufficient to detract would be speculators from launching an assault on an individual c…
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aslamhammad avatar

so the devil is cooking currencies :p

aslamhammad avatar

1 US dollar is around 104.45PKR today in my country Pakistan, for me it's awesome, but for local buyers it's going to be expensive, as it has reached the highest according to our yearly records :)....1usd for 1 Indian rupee==66.5, that's also peak high according to their yearly records, so USD has really strengthened in my opinion :)

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Is Emerging Markets an Old Game in Town?

Forget about the NASDAQ trading suspension. The big story these days is emerging markets. During a slow summer week, attention turned away from the US and towards India, Indonesia, Turkey and Brazil. These once-sizzling markets are suffering large currency declines, which have prompted many of their central banks to announce intervention efforts to prop them up. Guess who’s to blame for the foreign fiasco? Yes, the US central bank chief Ben Bernanke is the goat once again. Emerging markets had b…
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Intervention in India

I find it sad that FX intervention has to be reached for in India. When reserves are finite, and the numbers are in the public domain, it is very difficult to see this strategy working successfully on its own. Intervention can really only be justified as a viable option when it can buy time for the fundamentals that are causing the selling, to change; but, the authorities are under huge pressure to ramp up their response to the crisis, and their options are limited. OR... you could hopefully ha…
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mag avatar
mag 21 Aug.

very interesting... I am preparing an article September about how necessary that is speculation.

annatimone avatar
annatimone 22 Aug.

Thank you, Marco. Definitely, let me know if there is anything I can do to help. Good luck with the article!

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