annatimone's Blog


FT lectures Europe on deflation, says ECB should cut rates

The Financial Times is out with an editorial saying the European Central Bank should cut rates next week.
The ECB has done little to stop inflation undershooting its target of close to (but below) 2 per cent. A rate cut in May and a promise to keep monetary policy loose until growth returns was all Frankfurt had to offer. When the ECB’s governing council meets next week, it should immediately cut its policy rate from 0.5 to 0.25 per cent. A new round of cheap loans to the banks – perhaps linked …
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Look for a jump in US unemployment on technicalities of

The BLS is out with a technical note regarding the upcoming non-farm payrolls report, due November 8.
This part on the household survey caught my eye:
Workers who indicate that they were not working during the entire survey reference week and expected to be recalled to their jobs should be classified in the household survey as unemployed, on temporary layoff. This would include furloughed federal employees as well as other affected workers. These workers are classified this way regardless of whe…
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Fed says it will await more evidence before QE taper

Highlights of the October 30, 2013 Federal Reserve’s FOMC statement:
  • Fed funds rate held at 0-0.25%, as expected
  • Monthly bond purchases remain at $85 billion/month, as expected
  • No change to forward guidance on interest rates
  • Fed says data since Sept meeting generally suggests economy continued to expand at a moderate pace
  • Repeats that downside risks to the outlook have diminished on net since last Fall
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mag avatar
mag 30 Oct.

Thanks Anna

geula4x avatar
geula4x 30 Oct.

+1 Liked: Nice summary! :-) IMHO we'll see FOMC effect fade soon, and EUR/USD resume upwards momentum... Happy trading :-)

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