Blog de la Communauté FX

Filtrés par étiquette:  Interview

Hello,Its Me!(my interview)

I remember there was a Task to introduce myself.
I decide to separate it in two parts, because there is much to say
First of all I want to share with you my Interview on a Radio, where Im telling about my adventures,life and projects!
(in russian, but there gonna be transtalion too, I will make it).
В предисловии к заданию Рассказать о себе,я решила разделить это на 2 части, так как много чего есть рассказать!
Поэтому добавляю сюда ссылку с моим интервью на Радио, где по
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Nicole was on TV news Whaooooo..

I remember years ago when I was in Hong Kong
I was on TV news being interviewed lol
Don’t expect I did something great that the press gonna interview me lol
I was a just a victim!! A victim of handbag destroyer
Jesus, at the time, I was taking Metro during the peak period
And it was so crowded and I didn’t realized my handbag was scribbled
I have 100% no idea until I met up my bestie and she pointed to my bag and asked “what is happening to your handbag?” LOL LOL
(In the clip, I explained…
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MobNaga avatar
MobNaga 13 nov


peachynicnic avatar

MobNaga LOL you can read Chinese?!

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Dukascopy Community Summ Up

I guess this is the last post (I hope NOT) )
I prepared this Special video for Dukasckopy Community - "Community Summ Up" )
Just check it out, maybe you will find yourself there))
This is Community Summ Up of the month.
I wanted to make it every month, But..this idea comes too late)) I didn't knew that his is THE last month in contest.
But Okey I wish you Enjoy it!
There is Summ up of Traders & Blogging
Little queez I made(sorry I didn't had time to put all your answers here,
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JvdS87908 avatar

wonderful, and thank you as well, very well put it together ...........

Bimlesh avatar
Bimlesh 2 nov

nice... you have very nicely woven the things.. +1 :) , and its a pity I did not observe you earlier..;)

Stix avatar
Stix 2 nov

Thank you so much, Alexana5 ! Just a pleasure to bring us a little "divergence" at the end of the day. I appreciate the mention - thank you again. Lovely video too ! Very well presented. :) :)

Sharpshooter avatar

Хороший очерк. Спокойная и естественная подача. Спасибо.)) Я бы, может, написал бы и больше комментариев, если бы уловил полностью все сказанное))
За последние пару месяцев в сообществе я более, чем когда-либо, ощутил дискомфорт от того, что я не владею свободно английским. Надо будет, наверно, его подогнать)) Но это после того, как будут достигнуты мои цели на реальном счете)) Это мой приоритет сейчас)
Удачи Вам, Александра))

JulianaJ avatar

Спасибо, Alexana5! Очень приятный видео-очерк, мне вообще нравится всё что вы показываете на проекте, это талантливо и всегда с выдумкой! Удачи !

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Hi everyone!!!
Yesterday I had a very nice and productive Sunday as met my friends who just came back from Honey moon
So as Dukascopy Contest is already became part of my life I didn't miss a chance to make interview with happy wife in order to get some smart tips about wedding organization and share this information with you guys)))))
Unfortunately this interview in Russian language as my friend doesn't speak English. But of course for English speaking guys I will give a full summary in English
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Stix avatar
Stix 29 sep

Thanks a lot ! :) :)

JuliaBF avatar
JuliaBF 29 sep

your welcome)))))))))))

VictoriaVika avatar

No, any troubles with wedding organization. But its troubles with finding fiance, LOL.

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Interview regarding to Hotpot, Yumyum !

Waaaaaaaahhh !!!! See what I had last night!!?
I was having hotpot in my new place with three friends.
And I had an interview regarding to what hotpot is!
(Yes, even when I held an interview, it is related to food waaaaahh!!)
We, Chinese people love hotpot so much,
Since it does not require any cooking skills
We used to prepare a variety of food like meat, veggie, etc..
Just add in all food you like into the pot with soup that you favor
Once it boiled and cooked, fish it out and enjoy it
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carpe avatar
carpe 25 sep

No matter what is Hotpot you are very funny in front of the camera! Nice to watching :)

peachynicnic avatar

carpe haha .. thanks for saying that ! Have you tried hotpot before?

TelisHellano avatar

you are good at being presenter))) I agree with Carpe, no idea what is hotpot but the video is really funny:)

peachynicnic avatar

TelisHellano thanks lol

KoBe avatar
KoBe 28 sep

I also wanna have hotpot with you ..

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Community Forecast - Interview (part 2)

The latest Dukascopy Community Forecast has just been released, and if you want to check it out, you can read it here: Community Forecast The first part of the interview you can check it out here: Community Forecast - Interview
In your opinion, what are the most volatile and predictable pairs at the moment?

It’s hard to say there are some currency pairs more predictable than the others, but you can say some currency pairs are more harder to predict mainly because of reduced liquidity and/or hi
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jezz avatar
jezz 20 mar

About novice traders, I agree. I was staring at the demo... until some real money came. Then you start learning, and learn really fast :P

Daytrader21 avatar

jezz It is always very easy to be disciplined when there are either no consequences for a lack of discipline, or when the consequences are relatively mild. That only works with a life account because if you are using a demo, there is no pain when you lose, no pain when you're doing mistakes.

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Community Forecast - Interview

The latest Dukascopy Community Forecast has just been released, and if you want to check it out, you can read it here: Community Forecast . In the first part of the Community Forecast you'll notice that I've give a short interview, which is going to be structured in 2 parts, unfortunately this is just the first part, but don't despair the second part will be release next week when they will issue the new Community Forecast.
Here you can read the first question, but you'll have to follow the a…
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Metal_Mind avatar

ne inclinam:)))  ne place place place ( like , like ,like)

Daytrader21 avatar

Metal_Mind  LOL Thanks buddy

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