annatimone's Blog


Why it is time to bet big on Japan

Will Japan finally get out of its two decade slump?
I have heard that Japan is finally “recovering” from the very beginning of my career. Clearly all those instances have been false starts but this time there are some key differences.

The year of 1984 was a time where Japan was still economically dominant – remember all the textbooks written about Japan’s economic miracle? But Alphaville’s great song also includes the apt lyric “Here’s my comeback on the road again”.
Will the Abenomics “comebac…
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mag avatar
mag 28 oct

Thanks for sharing this explanation

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BOJ could re-write the playbook on defeating deflation

What economists don’t like to tell you is that price inflation doesn’t really matter. Prices can only go up for so long until people can’t afford the good.
What matters is wage inflation, which can spiral out of control. Here’s the corollary, what if you’re stuck in a nearly 20-year deflationary cycle? Why not go right to the heart of the matter and target wage increases? That’s…
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mag avatar
mag 20 oct

You raise a fascinating question.

geula4x avatar
geula4x 22 oct

+1 Liked: BOJ influence on JPY is always interesting to observe! happy trading and good luck :-)

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Forex Americas wrap: Dollar dunked, Stocks hit record

Forex headlines for October 17, 2013:
• S&P 500 hits all-time high
• October Philly Fed 19.8 vs 15.0 expected
• Fed’s Fisher says debt crisis deal does not solve fiscal problems
• Fed: Evans expects tapering to be postponed due to shutdown
• Fed: Kocherlakota says more stimulus might be needed to cut jobless rate
• The Fed’s George will wants taper
• Mario Monti resigns as leader of his party over 2014 budget
• US initial jobless claims 358k vs 335k exp
• US government shutdown will shave 0.3 p…
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The US deal, and concerns by holders of its debt

So, at last we have a deal of sorts. In truth, it doesn’t solve any issues, it merely reflects huge pressure to free up government spending, and short term, ensure that America pays its external obligations to its creditors. This sad chapter is obviously not at an end, and we face the spectre of more government by crisis over the course of the next few months. Bad as this is, short term, the long term damage done to US credibility and standing in the world is much more worrying.
At the moment, t…
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mag avatar
mag 17 oct

Is true

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We have a deal. What is next?

USD/JPY is brushing up against 99.00 and the S&P 500 is at the highs of the day, up 1.3%.The government is funded through January 15 and the debt limit raised until February 7. That’s a short timeline but it gives markets a chance to focus on something else for a month or two.Candidates:
  • The health of the economy as data releases resume
  • The potential for a taper
  • Holiday shopping season
  • Corporate earnings
  • Emerging markets
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Economic events from Japan today

No data releases on the schedule until much later in the day, but the Bank of Japan minutes from their September 4-5 policy meeting (at which there was no change in policy) are released today at 2350GMT.
From 0100GMT BOJ deputy governor Nakaso is speaking at a meeting of business leaders. A press conference follows later at 0430GMT
0400GMT – meeting between Japan’s ministry of finance and experts from the private sector to discuss management of the Japan’s debts (These meetings were regular betw…
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mag avatar
mag 9 oct

Thanks Anna

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How the GDP will affect the USD/JPY?

The USD/JPY and the GDP: How Will it Affect this Currency Pair? The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of a country refers to a country’s total economic output. The number reflects the total production, income and consumption from different sectors that include manufacturing, services, agriculture, mining, and numerous other areas. To get the most accurate result, population growth, inflation and deflation should ideally be considered in the total. For example, if the population growth increases prop…
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Haynes6EU avatar

Follow your post. Good analysis :)

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Bank of Canada leaves key lending rate at 1.00%

Highlights of the Bank of Canada interest rate decision: * Repeats exact language on current stimulus being appropriate * Key line remains: ‘Over time, as the normalization of these conditions unfolds, a gradual normalization of policy interest rates can also be expected’* Housing sector slightly strongter thanexpected* Looking through the data, GDP is largely consistent with forecast* Output gap to begin to narrow in 2014* Global economy continues to expand broadly as expected but its dynamic …
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Haynes6EU avatar

When CAD down to 1.06?

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Abe reportedly to announce tax hike decision Oct. 2

According to a government source, Japanese PM Shinzo Abe won’t announce his decision on whether to raise the consumption tax until October 2. He will take into account the results of the next Bank of Japan “tankan” business sentiment survey.Abe said Tuesday that he wants to look at the tankan, due out Oct. 1, as “the last economic indicator” before making up his mind in “early October,” according to economic and fiscal policy minister Akira AmariThe current plan is that the 5% sales tax would be…
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Nadin5794 avatar

thnx Anna

annatimone avatar

Thank you, Ms. Nadia. I missed you here. I haven't see you here for a while.

Nadin5794 avatar

спасибо,но я всегда была здесь,просто предпочла некоторое молчание ))

annatimone avatar

I see. Sometimes it's good to be silent and just observe. Well, welcome back to communication..:) I would love to chat a little longer, but it's 1am here in New York. Time to go to bed. I hope all is well on your end...:) Goodnight Nadichka..:)

Nadin5794 avatar

)))thnx dear frend and good night...

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The Future of Forex in 2013

I came across an interesting article on Yahoo Finance ” Forex Outlook for June“ and thought I would share my opinion with you. Generally, I think Forex is expected to be very volatile this year, because of drop of gold prices and slowdown of economy in China. Economic slowdown in China is mostly due to substantial decline in exports in response to recession in Europe and US, inflated property prices and generally inflation in China is on a rise. Also, China unsuccessfully tried to burst the bub…
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Nadin5794 avatar
Nadin5794 20 juin here is levels and strong resistance on yen..

annatimone avatar
annatimone 20 juin

Good info! Thank you for sharing, Nadia. I love your photo! Was this photo in the magazine? Are you a model? It looks like you are.

Dieselfx avatar
Dieselfx 24 juin

the market tends to react apriori

annatimone avatar
annatimone 24 juin

Right now you are probably right. But generally, is the market rational? I would say no, but neither are we. The goal is to be irrational in the same direction and at the same time.

alltrade avatar
alltrade 25 juin

It depends how one defines as "rational"! It's the people & their thought-processes that materialize in actions of buying & selling that move markets. To me, the market "just is", there can be nothing right or wrong, rational or irrational about how it moves.

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