annatimone's Blog


Look for a jump in US unemployment on technicalities of

The BLS is out with a technical note regarding the upcoming non-farm payrolls report, due November 8.
This part on the household survey caught my eye:
Workers who indicate that they were not working during the entire survey reference week and expected to be recalled to their jobs should be classified in the household survey as unemployed, on temporary layoff. This would include furloughed federal employees as well as other affected workers. These workers are classified this way regardless of whe…
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Can Global Youth Unemployment Lead to WWIII?

I read an article in Wall Street Journal about Pope Francis visiting Brazil and addressing youth unemployment. Pope called upon leaders to serve the poor and it is certainly true for any form of leadership. Recently, the International Labor Organization (ILO) published a damning report on global youth unemployment earlier this year, highlighting that in the global labor market 75 million youth are unemployed. It just concerns me that with increased globalisation, and manufacturing in the West b…
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jetaro avatar
jetaro 31 Lug

nope dont think so.

annatimone avatar

I hope you are right. But remember the state of economy in Germany and the rest of the world before WWII? I hope it’s a stretch, but I would not overestimate our leaders and modern civilization.

Nadin5794 avatar

Одна из участниц конкурса живёт в Южной Америке и говорит об уровне жизни в странах на этом континенте-он отстаёт от европейского лет на 5,у меня есть знакомые в странах Азии и Восточной Европы,а также Африки,финансовое положение которых катастрофическое...люди на грани...если в Европе начнутся какие то волнения не думаю,что они просто успокоятся,так как и там ситуация далеко не радужная..

annatimone avatar

I completely agree with you. It doesn’t take much. How long can people last without jobs? Especially young people (17 to 25). It causes a lot of frustration and builds a lot of anger. We already see massive revolutions throughout the world and with an ongoing conflict in the Middle East…..I hope I’m just being very pessimistic, but WWII is not an unrealistic stretch.

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Growth....a revised, revised approach?

The Office for National Statistics in the UK announced that second quarter growth showed an increase of 0.6% - the best growth figures since mid-2010. BUT, what does this growth figure actually mean to the wider population? The answer is very little. With other closely scrutinized numbers such as unemployment stats, and inflation figures, at least there is a relevance to peoples’ daily lives, but what about GDP?? The breakdown of this figure is where the real interest lies. The services side …
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Nadin5794 avatar

haha)) good start of week

annatimone avatar

:) Very optimistic..:) How was your weekend?

Nadin5794 avatar

good and thnx for ask

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