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Weekend Margin

Mary Christmas ..
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kaled avatar
kaled 1 Ene

Dukascopy protect its clinets by reducing margine ,at the end of the year there is pitential volume risk.

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Looking to continue trading when Markets open

When markets open tonight I will be opening my positions again

My positions were closed on Friday evening due to leverage requirements
I was long GbpUsd frpm lows, and had opened AudUsd and NzdUsd longs,
as they seem to have stalled around retracement levels for now
I expect all three pairs to move higher, so I will be opening these longs again
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Closed two positions and held one

I closed two of my three positions yesterday
As we were heading into the weekend, and weekend leverage
I had to close at least one of my positions
I was short GbpUsd, EurAud and EurNzd
I decided to keep my EurNzd short open through the weekend
Nzd is quite low at the moment, and may go up again
while Eur is at resistance levels and should go down again
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Which is the Trader's Drug of Choice.. Uppers?? Downers?? FEEL THE RUSH!!

Why do we trade? FEEL THE RUSH ???
BECAUSE We like to make money?
BECAUSE We like to beat the market?
BECAUSE We like to play in the biggest economic arena in the world?
BECAUSE { ??? ??? } >>>
Is anashape about to enter a trade?Is anashape in the middle of a trade?
Is anashape about to exit a trade?
I was going to insert DON'T LET IT GET YOU DOWN but thought who would trade after listening to it.We trade because we like the action.…
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Money control is the most importMoney control is the most important thing.
As I have shown above, purchases must be made gradually.
Position must not be entered with full power.
Always be in control.
Good luck
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EURUsd up at market close yesterday

I was long EurUsd yesterday from around 1.0550
Unfortunately for me I forgot to check at weekend close
I was stopped out of my positions EurUsd long and EurChf long
just before they went up sharply before market close - a bit unlucky there
On the up side I was right about the monthly support level around 1.05
I will be returning to long Eur positions next week
Have a great weekend all
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Weekly review

My plan for this week was to follow through from previous week's recovery to 70K and hit at least 230K needed for the top 20. Trades were based on USD pullback (EUR/USD, GBP/USD and NZD/USD longs). Everything was unfolding as expected in the beginning of the week and I managed to get to 160K, but then solid US CPI report stalled the pullback. I made some unplanned reactive trades after that and was soon back to sub 100K, which I depleted further by over-leveraging.
More luck next month for me I …
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Black Swan Event Armageddon Style.

In my second blog post of the year I was arguing and making the point of higher market volatility in the year ahead, you can find more about it here: 2015 A Year of Higher Volatility
Did I ever foreseen the level of current madness in the market? By no means NO.
Having said that there where some clues of what is to come as everything was pointing towards ECB aggressive easing measures to be implemented at beginning of the year, and now with EU lawyer approving ECB bond-buying programme as bein…
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Daytrader21 avatar

CommunitySupport  Thanks for keeping us posted. As soon as I was aware of Dukascopy official statement I've made an update and I was pointing anyone in that direction. It was just an unwanted bad rumor and you can't put your all trust in a rumor, so I've advice everyone to take it with a grain of salt.

Me personally and I'm sure many others are please to hear the good news and I'm looking ahead for another 10 great years with Dukascopy and many more.

Keep up the good work!

Airmike avatar
Airmike 20 Ene

good news for us . and good article btw :)

CommunitySupport avatar


Management of Dukascopy Group has decided to take an exceptional decision to cover negative balances on client accounts related to CHF move on SNB decision on 15.01.2015.

In spite of the fact that agreements and regulation allow Dukascopy to claim negative balances compensated by clients, it was decided to release customers from obligation to cover negative balance.

Dukascopy Bank has not cancelled or negatively adjusted any trade concluded on 15.01.2015 with clients during the CHF move.

Berkeley avatar
Berkeley 20 Ene

Dukascopy Bank ... first choice! Keep up the good work!

WallStreet6 avatar

very good article. i agree with Buffet's quote.

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I have some reasons to believe that going long on EUR/CHF is a very good Idea in the long term (above 3 months).

Take a look at them, and lets have a green full discussion .

1) The stress in the euro area is fading away, slowly but steadily
Systemic risk has faded in the euro zone, and further progress will be made to tackle the solvency issues of euro zone countries, the Swiss franc should lose its appeal as an alternative investment,

as said by Societe Generale
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500nm avatar
500nm 2 Feb

i wrote this for the article contest, but for some reason i was not able to do that :(

500nm avatar
500nm 2 Feb

it is behaving strangely

sankit avatar
sankit 2 Feb

Great effort ..

CommunitySupport avatar

what was wrong? did you solve the issue? please let us know about the problem, send e-mail to [email protected]

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What is the IDEAL TRADE SIZE??

Hello All!
Today, I am little confused. I wonder if you (much more experienced) guys can help me and many other like myself out there.
We all have been allotted 100 K capital? Now how much of this 100 K would be IDEAL to put on the trade at any given time?
My Answer is ALL - Because I guess I am looking at this capital as a portion given to me to play with - Completely. Where as if i was a retail trader, then it would be advisable to have only 2-4 % of my capital exposure.
What do you guys sa…
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DumbAsArock avatar

For real money 3% is about the maximum you should risk on any trade, assuming you're taking no more than three non-correlated trades at once. If you're taking only one trade 5% would be the maximum. Note, I said "Maximum". Conservatively risking 0.5% to 1% per trade is reasonable.

For the contest it depends what you're goal is. If your goal is to come in-the-money for the monthly contest then you've got to go all out. If you go broke, it means nothing. If you're trying to grab a yearly prize then you've got to be more conservative.

Personally, I use the contest account like a demo account,

jezz avatar
jezz 11 Ene

I agree. If on a demo, play like it's real. Many people make the mistake in playing on the demo and then burn the real account, just because of the habit to act irresponsibly.
5% yes, on competition you may double that portion if you're into going long run, but depends on the pairs you trade. EUR/USD play as much as you want, leave high volatility pairs alone

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